
  • 网络LANCE
  1. 土库曼枪骑兵装备锋利骑枪和狼牙棒,如怒涛狂涌,锐不可当。

    Turkish heavy cavalry with lance and mace to deal punishment .

  2. 他们是怎么同时持弓和骑枪的?

    How did they carry a bow and a lance at the same time ?

  3. 这些轻枪骑兵身穿皮甲,装备骑枪和单手短兵刃。

    Lightly armoured in leather and equipped with a hand weapon and a lance .

  4. 骑马民兵装备链甲、骑枪和长剑,是出色的骑兵部队。

    Encased in mail and equipped with lances and swords these troops are effective fighters .

  5. 他们装备轻型链甲、盾牌、骑枪和锋利长剑。

    Hussars are equipped with light mail , shield and armed with lance and sword .

  6. 他们装备板甲和骑枪,忠心耿耿,极为骁勇善战。

    Armed with lances and encased in plate armour they are fierce and loyal warriors .

  7. 亲卫骑士身穿板甲,手持骑枪和长剑,是誓死捍卫公爵荣誉的精锐骑士。

    Armoured in plate and wielding lances , these elite knights defend the Duke 's honour .

  8. 波兰卫队身穿板甲,手持骑枪和长剑,令人敬畏有加。

    These highly respected and feared troops wear plate armour and are armed with a lance and a sword .

  9. 男爵亲卫骑兵是忠诚的贵族卫队,装备板甲和骑枪。

    Armed with lances and encased in plate armour these loyal warriors act as retinues and bodyguards for royalty .

  10. 扈从骑兵身穿镶片皮甲,手持骑枪和长剑,冲锋威力亦颇为惊人。

    Wearing brigandine armour , and armed with a lance and sword , this unit is capable of devastating charges .

  11. 他们装备锋利骑枪和狼牙棒,极为骁勇善战。

    Supremely skilled warriors who excel in armed combat and horse riding , they are armed with a lance and mace .

  12. 亚洲风格重甲、沉重骑枪和全装马铠令这支精锐将领卫队成为恐怖的杀戮机器。

    The combination of heavy armour , a fully armoured horse and a lance make these elite warriors mobile killing machines .

  13. 独立枪骑兵是经验丰富军纪严明的职业部队,身穿意大利精良板甲,手持沉重骑枪和长剑。

    Broken lances are well trained and experienced professional soldiers , protected by plate armour , armed with lances and swords .

  14. 轻骑兵们装备轻型链甲或镶甲,手持骑枪长剑,作战十分出色。

    Very fast , these elite lancers are equipped with light mail or brigandine armour and armed with lance and sword .

  15. 这些手持骑枪的骑兵能够对线列步兵发动毁灭性的冲锋。

    These cavalrymen , armed with lances , have a devastating charge , which is especially effective against enemy line infantry .

  16. 由于训练不足,他们不使用骑枪(种需要特别训练的武器)用剑作战。

    As they poorly trained these units forgo using the lance , which requires specialist training , and fight with a sword .

  17. 这些骑士身穿重型链甲或板甲,手持沉重骑枪,是战法娴熟实力强大的精锐军事组织。

    An elite and powerful fighting order of well trained knights wearing heavy mail or plate armour and armed with a lance .

  18. 胡萨尔轻骑兵装备链甲、盾牌、骑枪和长剑,以高度机动游击战术闻名于世。

    Renown for their fast hit and run tactics , Hussars are equipped with light mail , shield , lance and sword .

  19. 将领卫队身穿重型链甲或早期板甲,手持骑枪,其恐怖冲锋令敌军闻风胆裂。

    Wearing heavy mail or partial plate and wielding lances this unit is capable of devastating charges and riding down most foes .

  20. 与终身服务的骑士团同僚相比,他们使用的骑枪较轻,但仍不失为精锐重骑兵,作战极为骁勇剽悍。

    While equipped with a lighter lance than their lifetime serving brethren , these excellent heavy cavalry troops are no less fearsome in battle .

  21. 他们训练有素,装备重型链甲和骑枪,步战时则将骑枪作为长矛使用,极为骁勇善战。

    Well trained , and clad in heavy mail , when fighting on foot , they cut their lances down and use them as spears .

  22. 这些骑士装备精良板甲和骑枪,是训练有素的精锐骑兵,为波兰军队之杀手镧。

    These well trained and elite troops are well equipped with plate armour and lances , making them a fearsome addition to any Polish army .

  23. 他们是军纪严明的职业重装骑兵,身穿意大利精良板甲,手持沉重骑枪杀入敌阵。

    They are well disciplined professional soldiers who fight as heavy cavalry with unbroken lances , and are well protected by the finest Italian plate armour .

  24. 埃德萨骑士是为国家效命沙场的封邑贵族,装备骑枪、战斧和重型链甲。

    Vassal knights who owe service to the County of Edessa and the Principality of Antioch , equipped with lance , axe and wearing mail armour .

  25. 士兵士兵,尤指中世纪时装备重武器的骑兵由良好的板甲和骑枪武装,这些精英部队与终极骑士不相上下。

    A soldier , especially a medieval cavalryman supplied with heavy arms . Well equipped with good plate armour and lances these elite cavalry are arguably the ultimate knights .

  26. 复合全身板甲或哥特战甲,以及沉重骑枪和坚固马铠,令这些精锐骑兵成为彻头彻尾的杀戮机器。

    The combination of full plate armour , and later magnificent gothic armour , a fully armoured horse and a lance , make these elite warriors mobile killing machines .

  27. 他们身穿板甲,装备骑枪和长剑,冲锋威力强大,生命力顽强。

    Well protected in their plate armour , and armed with a lance and sword , they pack a powerful charge on the battlefield , while being difficult to kill .

  28. 骑兵们将骑枪紧挟于臂下进行冲锋,将人马全力冲击巨大动能转为对目标的恐怖杀伤力,故而成为战场上当之无愧之王者。

    By transferring the full momentum of horse and man to the point of their lance , these men create a devastating charge which has led them to dominate the battlefield .