
  • 网络The Crooked Man
  1. 克洛潘取笑他,驼背人不由得怒气冲天。

    Clopin was making fun of him , and the hunchback was angry .

  2. 而且,他还雇佣一些街童做非法勾当,美其名曰“贝克街小分队”。我们可以在《四签名》、《血字的研究》和《驼背人》中看见他们的身影。

    He also employed a small group of street urchins to do his dirty work , which he affectionately called " The Baker Street Irregulars . " We see them in The Sign of the Four , A Study in Scarlet , and The Adventure of the Crooked Man .

  3. 钟楼怪人刚去世,因此教区的神父正在找一位驼背的人来敲巴黎圣母院的大钟。但是第一个去应征的不仅是驼背,而且连手也没有。

    Quasimodo had just died , so the rector was looking for a new hunchback to ring the great bell of Notre Dame cathedral.But the first man who applied for the job was not only a hunchback , but armless as well .

  4. 那个贫困、驼背、衰老的人指点了他的思路。

    The poor , bent , enfeebled creature struck his imagination .

  5. 他父亲因年高而弯腰驼背。那个老年人弯腰驼背,显得十分难看。

    His father is bowed down with age The old man grows double and looks very awkward .