
  • 网络diplomatic missions abroad
  1. 驻外外交机构实行馆长负责制。

    The diplomatic institutions stationed abroad shall be governed by the head accountability system .

  2. 馆长统一领导驻外外交机构的各项工作。

    A head of mission shall uniformly lead all kinds of work of the diplomatic institution stationed abroad .

  3. 我国驻外外交机构馆舍建筑是驻外外交人员工作、生活的场所,同时也体现了国家的国际形象和综合国力,并在一定程度上传扬了中国文化。

    Chinese overseas Diplomatic Institution Compounds ( DIC ) serve as working and living places for diplomats , and also represent the international image and comprehensive national strength of China , and on some degree express chinese culture .