
  • 【电影】How To Train Your Dragon
  1. 最佳动画片《驯龙高手2》(HowtoTrainYourDragon2)

    Animated film : " How to Train Your Dragon 2 "

  2. 《驯龙高手2》也是一部视觉盛宴,一段让观众身临其境,仿佛也骑在龙背上一样惊心动魄、却又趣味盎然的旅程。这不得不归功于二度掌镜的导演迪恩•德布洛斯为我们带来的3D指导。

    It 's a journey that feels like flying on the back of a dragon - dramatic , breathtaking and a lot of fun - thanks to great 3-D direction by returning director Dean DeBlois .

  3. 这位32岁的演员为《驯龙高手3:隐秘的世界》的埃雷特配音。

    The 32-year-old voices the dastardly Eret in How to Train Your Dragon : The Hidden World .

  4. 《驯龙高手》讲述了男孩与他宠物的故事,围绕小嗝嗝如何训练和饲养一只绰号“无牙仔”的跟踪类飞龙展开。

    The first movie was a boy-and-his-pet story : Hiccup tames and raises a Night Fury dragon nicknamed Toothless .

  5. 《驯龙高手》成为第一部享有殊荣拥有所有系列提名最佳动画的电影。

    How to Train Your Dragon became the first franchise to have all its films nominated for Best Animated Feature .

  6. 四年后,小嗝嗝和无牙将在《驯龙高手2》中对抗一个恶龙头头儿。

    Four years later , How to Train your Dragon 2 , pits Hiccup and Toothless against an evil dragon lord .

  7. 《驯龙高手》改编自2003年出版的同名小说,2010年由梦工厂出品的动画电影。

    How to Train Your Dragon is a2010 computer-animated fantasy film by DreamWorks Animation based on the2003 book of the same name .

  8. 桥本先生通过参与《驯龙高手》《功夫熊猫2》等大片的制作磨练了自己的技术,但是他说比起电影,儿子詹姆斯更喜欢游戏。

    Mr Hashimoto honed his skills on Blockbusters like How to Train Your Dragon and Kung Fu Panda 2 , but he says his son prefers games to movies .

  9. 但是,这些高成本的科幻大片中,梦工厂新作《驯龙高手2》却以其精良的制作和暖人的故事成为我的最爱。

    But among big-budget sci-fi blockbusters , DreamWorks ' new animation How to Train Your Dragon 2 , an elaborate film with a heartwarming story , is one of my favorites .

  10. 尽管有关成长故事的情节老掉牙了,《驯龙高手2》视角更加新颖,故事和人物则更具人情味。

    And despite relying on familiar coming of age cliches , How to Train Your Dragon 2 provides a fresh angle , with an emotionally engaging story and characters . The film is also a visual masterpiece .

  11. 《驯龙高手2》拓展了第一部的虚拟世界,加入了新角色与新领域,但故事仍然围绕主要人物展开,情节完整,脉络清晰。

    How to Train Your Dragon 2 expands the universe established in the first film , adding new characters and worlds to explore , yet it still concentrates on telling a complete story centered on its main characters .

  12. 电脑生成的巴克看起来绝对逼真,而且该片的导演克里斯·桑德斯善于拍摄关于恶劣地形(《疯狂原始人》)和人与动物的友情(《驯龙高手》)的电影。

    The computer-generated Buck certainly looks convincing , and the film 's director , Chris Sanders , knows how to make films about hostile terrains ( The Croods ) and human-animal friendships ( How To Train Your Dragon ) .

  13. 戛纳电影节将举行续集动画大片《驯龙高手2》全球首映,同时首映的还有1974年至今的经典恐怖片《德州电锯杀人狂》恢复版,让大家重温昔日经典。

    Cannes will host the world premiere of the How to Train Your Dragon 2 sequel to the animation blockbuster , as well as a blast-from-the-past showing of a restored version of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre cult horror classic from 1974 .

  14. 相较于第一部赞美同情与友谊的主题,《驯龙高手2》是关于成长的故事,讲述20岁已经成年的小嗝嗝如何在迷茫的未来中找到自己的位置。

    While the film celebrated the virtues of compassion and friendship , the sequel is a coming of age story in which Hiccup , now a young man in his 20s , struggles to find his place in a foggy future .

  15. 如果说2010年的《驯龙高手》令人眼前一亮,证明了梦工厂可与皮克斯匹敌的制作水平,那么新上映的《驯龙高手2》则堪称电影续集的“教科书”。

    If 2010 " s How to Train Your Dragon was a smash hit that showcased DreamWorks " ability to make films equal in quality to Pixar , then this is a textbook example of how to do a sequel just right .

  16. 毋庸置疑,《驯龙高手2》本身就是一部不错的影片,但就这个电影系列的发展来讲,我还是迫不及待想要看下一部:不是因为其中那些熟悉的旧人物,而是因为它又将带给我的新惊喜。

    Certainly , How to Train Your Dragon 2 is a good film that can stand on its own . But in terms of franchise building , I can 't wait to see the next installment - not because I know what 's coming , but rather because I have no idea what to expect .