
mǎ tí tiě
  • horseshoe magnet
马蹄铁 [mǎ tí tiě]
  • (1) [horseshoe]∶马掌,即钉于马、驴、骡子蹄下的 U 字形铁片,以使蹄耐磨且不易受伤

  • (2) [horseshoe magnet]∶U 字形磁铁

  1. 而在西方英语文化中,又有哪些代表好运的文化符号呢?在英语文化中,马蹄铁被看做是一种幸运符。它类似于其他文化中与幸运有关的标志,诸如新月、半圆或者是“U”形。

    It resembles the other symbols associated with good fortune in other cultures such as the crescent , half circle or " U. "

  2. 马蹄铁一直被视为一种吉祥物。

    A horseshoe has always been considered a good luck charm .

  3. 酬劳可能是为陶伦装马蹄铁得到的!

    He could 've benn paid for shoeing Tauren 's horse !

  4. 一些马蹄铁形蝙蝠能探测到细微至0.0001千赫的差别。

    Some horseshoe bats can detect differences as slight as0.0001 khz .

  5. 铁匠从铁工厂出来安装马蹄铁

    The blacksmith come out of the forge to fit the horseshoe

  6. 如来佛什么也没有说,就自己弯腰捡起了那块马蹄铁。

    Buddha-to-be said nothing but bend down to pick it up personally .

  7. 对许多人来说马蹄铁是好运的象征。

    For many people the horseshoe is a symbol of good luck .

  8. 铁匠制作、修理和安装马蹄铁的人。

    One that makes , repairs , and fits horseshoes .

  9. 伙计我可以要这些马蹄铁吗?

    Hey , man , can I have one of these horseshoes ?

  10. 他也没有摇摇马蹄铁或在肩膀上洒盐来乞求好运气。

    Nor did he shake a horseshoe or throw salt over his shoulder .

  11. 铁匠在铁砧上打成了一个马蹄铁。

    The blacksmith shaped a horseshoe on his anvil .

  12. 他可以徒手将马蹄铁折弯。

    He could bend horse-shoes with his bare hands .

  13. .这副马蹄铁该换了,都磨光了。

    This pair of horseshoes has to be changed ; it 's worn out

  14. 锻�那铁匠非常熟练地锻造马蹄铁。

    The smith forged the horseshoe with great skill .

  15. 做马蹄铁游戏时用的开放的铁环。

    An open ring of iron used in playing the game of horseshoes .

  16. 你知道为什么要有马蹄铁呢?

    Do you know why she has a horseshoe ?

  17. 为了演出,所有的马都必须钉上马蹄铁。

    All the horses must be shod with new horseshoes for the show .

  18. 马蹄铁的底部前端的金属片,可用来防滑。

    A metal cleat on the bottom front of a horseshoe to prevent slipping .

  19. 讲述各种马蹄铁的状况。

    Discuss various shoes and their condition .

  20. 人们通常把马蹄铁悬挂在房门或谷仓门的上方,以求保护。

    Horseshoes often are hung over the door of a house or barn for protection .

  21. 飞盘、马蹄铁、排球、足球或短途远足,随你玩。

    Play Frisbee , horseshoes , volleyball , soccer , or take a short hike .

  22. 马蹄铁是在锻造厂打出来的。

    Horseshoes are made in a forge .

  23. 铁匠在煅马蹄铁时,他的猫听得头铛铛作响。

    Smith is making shoes The The for a horse while " braining " his cat .

  24. 从前有一位战士,从他仇敌手中逃出来,半途发觉他的马有换马蹄铁的必要。

    Fleeing from his enemies , the ancient knight found that his horse needed to be re-shod .

  25. 日常生活中最常见的吉祥物之一是马蹄铁。

    Horseshoes One of the most familiar things that are supposed to be lucky is a horseshoe .

  26. 有人说马蹄铁之所以被视为吉祥物是因为它状似新月。

    Some people say the horseshoe is considered to be lucky because it looks like a new moon .

  27. 迟来旳真相,就像忽然击中头部旳马蹄铁,哎,痛啊!

    Late come of true facts , be like suddenly horseshoe , ah of shooting the head , pain !

  28. 目的为避免供肾浪费,探讨马蹄铁肾移植的可行性和安全性。

    Objective To study the feasibility and safety of horseshoe kidney transplantation and avoid the waste of the donor kidney .

  29. 古罗马作家普林尼说祛病辟邪最好的东西莫过于路上捡来的废旧马蹄铁。

    Pliny says that there is no more excellent protection against illness than the castoff horseshoe found in the road .

  30. 而马蹄铁由于是用在马身上的铁制品,因而又被人们看作与力量和权力有关。

    As it is made of iron and used for horses , horseshoes are also linked to strength and power .