
  • ma chao;【人名】Chao Ma
  1. 只要我们的马超过领先的赛手,它便能赢得胜利了!

    If only our horse can get ahead of the leading runner , it can win the race !

  2. 我被三匹马超了过去。

    And I got run over by three horses .

  3. 但是于禁从后面冲出来并和马超缠斗在一起。

    But Yu Jin came out from behind and engaged Ma Chao in battle .

  4. 张飞、马超大战一百回合,不分胜败。

    Zhang Fei and Ma Chao fought one hundred rounds with an even hand .

  5. 九丈沟金矿床矿区位于华熊台隆西缘,马超营断裂带北侧。

    This gold deposit is located on the west of Huaxiongtai promontory and the north of Machaoying fracture zone .

  6. 后来,刘备见马超人马疲乏,令张飞下关克敌。

    When Liu Bei saw Ma Chao and his army became fatigued , he ordered Zhang Fei to take on the challenge .

  7. 马超营一一潘河大断裂,界定了古生代时期华北板块活动大陆边缘陆架与陆缘表海的南部边沿。

    The major disruption of Machaoying-Panhe defines the active continental margin of the north China plate and the south margin of the Epicontinental Sea in the Paleozoic period .

  8. 让刘备亲自带兵,命张飞为先锋。刘备领兵来到关上,马超三番五次叫阵。

    Liu Bei himself acted as the chief commander and ordered Zhang Fei to fight in the vanguard . Liu Bei led the army to the pass . Time and again Ma Chao challenged them to fight .

  9. 二人各换一匹马,开始了挑灯夜战。又战二十回合,马超见不能取胜张飞,佯装败走。

    Each of them mounted fresh horses to start the night fight . After another twenty rounds , Ma Chao saw that he could not win by force , so he had an idea . He pretended to flee .