
  • 网络masai;Maasai;Maasai people
  1. 坎巴人与马赛人传统上都穿着红色衣服。

    Both Kamba and Maasai people traditionally wear red clothing .

  2. 坎巴人与马赛人都是猎象者。

    Both Kamba and Maasai people are elephant hunters .

  3. 不管怎么说非常古老的文明是那些在非洲的马赛人。

    Anyway very old civilizations are those in Africa like Masai .

  4. 马赛人一生有三个阶段:儿童时代、武士时代和成年时代。

    Masais go through three stages : childhood , warrior , and elder .

  5. 马赛人要时刻准备着为牧群而牺牲。

    A Masai has to be ready to risk his life for his herd .

  6. 马赛人对大象深具威胁。

    Maasai people are a threat to elephants .

  7. 根据本文,下列关于坎巴与马赛人的叙述何者为真?

    According to the passage , which of the following statements is true about Kamba and Maasai people ?

  8. 每个马赛人在出生的那天都会得到一只母牛、羊羔或山羊。

    Every Masai gets a cow , a lamb , and a goat the day he 's born .

  9. 马赛人时刻穿戴着碧珠尔瑞,但是在节日和宗教活动中,他们穿戴的这些碧珠尔瑞会超过平时。

    The Maasai wear bead jewellery at all times , but more than usual is worn during festivals and religious ceremonies .

  10. 科学家们相信,是运动而不是基因因素使马赛人很少得心血管疾病。

    The scientists believe that the Masai are protected by their high physical activity rather than by some unknown genetic factor .

  11. 在古代它是治病的药方,在近代是装饰的珍宝,一直封1694年:,马赛人皮桑尼尔才明确地把它们作为动物分类。

    Medicine to the ancients , jewelry to the moderns , it wasn 't decisively placed in the animal kingdom until 1694 , by Peysonnel of Marseilles .

  12. 答:每当在一次就诊过程中将不孕问题、母亲安全问题、艾滋病毒/艾滋病问题以及避孕问题一并处理时,似乎能使马赛人,不论男女,都感到轻松一些。

    A : The Maasai , both men and women , seem relieved whenever infertility , safe motherhood , HIV / AIDS and contraception are addressed together in a single consultation .

  13. 但现在,由朱利亚·姆巴利拉基博士与他在挪威和坦桑尼亚的同事们进行的一项研究表明,更大的可能性是马赛人积极的生活方式在起作用。

    Now , a unique study by Dr Julia Mbalilaki in association with colleagues from Norway and Tanzania , suggests that the reason is more likely to be the Masai 's active lifestyle .

  14. 他读了9年书,找时间成立了一家出版社,并撰写旅游指南,其中包括对加拿大独木舟之旅的介绍,还有一本关于马赛人的书。

    He spent nine years as a student , finding time to set up a publishing company and write guides that included an account of a Canadian canoeing trip and a book on the Masai .

  15. 陛下,我是在审问一个马赛人时知道的,我对他已经注意到了好长时间,他是在我离开的那一天被抓起来的。

    Sire , they are the results of an examination which I have made of a man of Marseilles , whom I have watched for some time , and arrested on the day of my departure .

  16. 这就是为什么居住在寒冷地区的人(比如因纽特人)会比来自温暖地区的人(马赛人)拥有更多脂肪,生活在低温里的人需要更多的脂肪来保持体温。

    This is why you will notice that people who originate from colder areas ( such as the Inuit ) tend to carry more fat than those who originate from warmer areas ( such as a Masai for example ) as people from colder climates need more fat to maintain their body temperature .

  17. 如果一头狮子猎杀了牧群,“马赛”人可以从一个赔偿牧人损失的项目中收到赔偿金。

    If a lion does kill a herd animal , the Maasai receive money from a program that repays herders for losses .

  18. 拿马赛中的赌博人做比方。

    Take bettors at a horse race .