
mǎ fēng
  • wasp;hornet
马蜂 [mǎ fēng]
  • [hornet] 大黄蜂,胡蜂科任何比较大的社会性黄蜂,是强有力善飞翔的昆虫,具有有力的螫针,通常用浸软的似纸浆般的木浆造巢,食取动物性或植物性食物

马蜂[mǎ fēng]
  1. 马蜂不被激恼,是不会蜇人的。

    The wasp will not attack unless it is provoked .

  2. 愤怒就像是把石头扔进了马蜂窝。

    Anger is as a stone cast into a wasp 's nest .

  3. 最后博加特开枪扫射,把他打成了马蜂窝。

    Eventually Bogart pumps him full of lead .

  4. 你要是批评他们的做法,那你就捅了马蜂窝了。

    You 'll be bringing a storm about your ears if you try to criticize their way of doing things .

  5. 如果你stirupahornet'snest,捅了马蜂窝,你就闯祸了。

    Andif you stir up a hornet 's nest , you create trouble or problems .

  6. 索尼:2011年,索尼的PlayStation平台受到大型安全攻击,当时我正好和索尼当时的首席执行官霍华德·斯特林格(HowardStringer)在一起,他的样子看上去好像在马蜂窝里呆了三天。

    Sony I happened to be with Howard Stringer , then chief executive of Sony , during a vast security attack on its PlayStation platform in 2011 & he looked as if he had been living inside a beehive for three days .

  7. 但不幸的是,马蜂从他的裤脚钻了进去。

    Unfortunately , the hornets managed to enter through his pant legs .

  8. 小茧蜂科下有许多拟寄马蜂(拟寄马蜂是指在其他动物中产卵的一类马蜂)。

    Braconidae is large family of parasitoid wasps ( wasps that lay eggs inside other animals ) .

  9. 突然,露茜轻声尖叫了一下,仿佛被马蜂蛰了一下似的。

    Suddenly Lucy gave a sharp little cry , like someone who has been stung by a wasp .

  10. 约2%的人对蜜蜂、黄蜂和马蜂的毒液过敏。

    About 2 per cent of the population suffer from allergies to the venom from bees , wasps and hornets .

  11. 经序列比较,意大利蜜蜂、中华蜜蜂、大胡蜂、墨胸胡蜂和亚非马蜂前肥大细胞脱粒肽原核苷酸序列彼此间的同源性都为90%以上。

    They have more than 90 % homologues with each other in nucleotide sequences . The precursors of MCDP of A.

  12. 就是:“哇塞,有人捅了马蜂窝啦!有人要倒大霉了!”

    which was , " Wow , somebody 's screwed ! Somebody 's life is about to get terrible ! "

  13. 他也捕猎,在树干下挖掘藏在很深地里的蛴螬,从马蜂窝里抢出幼卵。

    He hunted , too , for deep-boring grubs under the bark of the trees , and robbed the wasps of their new broods .

  14. 有一个女人住在一辆别致的银色拖车里,我记得有一次我被马蜂蛰过之后,她给了我一些药。

    There was one woman who lived in this amazing silver trailer and I remember that once she gave me some medicine after I got stung by hornets .

  15. 如果你把那件事告诉她,那简直就无异于捅了马蜂窝。

    It 's like a red rag to a bull . 4 . If you say that to her , you will be stirring up a hornet 's nest .

  16. 若被蜜蜂或马蜂蛰过,可以用一袋冰(把几块冰装入塑料袋中,用干净的布包起来)敷20分钟,这样可以减轻疼痛,消除肿块。

    Treat a bee or wasp sting with an ice pack ( a few cubes in a plastic bag wrapped in a clean cloth ) for20 minutes , which will bring down pain and swelling .