
  • 网络Masu;Mozzarella
  1. 有些厨师会选用意式乳清干酪(ricotta),弗蕾维亚则喜欢马苏里拉奶酪融化后的质地;

    Some cooks opt for ricotta , but Flavia prefers the texture of melted mozzarella ;

  2. 番茄酱,马苏里拉,新鲜蔬菜。

    Tomato sauce , mozzarella , seasonal fresh vegetables .

  3. 再来看看撒丁岛布满虫蛆的非法芝士:卡苏马苏。

    Take Sardinia 's illegal maggot-ridden cheese casu marzu .

  4. 而当你没什么精神的时候,薯条和马苏里拉乳酪条当然看起来更加有吸引力。

    French fries and mozzarella sticks are a lot more appetizing when you 're mentally drained .

  5. 乳品公司摩斯曼迪表示比如马苏里拉奶酪等的欧式奶酪会比进口的更好,因为自家的更新鲜。

    The dairy company Mosmedyn says its European-style cheeses , like mozzarella , are better than imports because they are delivered fresher .

  6. 有人则喜欢上面只有大蒜、橄榄油和迷迭香,或者只放薄薄的西红柿切片和鲜马苏里拉奶酪的极简主义披萨。

    Others crave minimalist pies topped with nothing but garlic , olive oil and rosemary , or thinly sliced tomatoes and fresh mozzarella .

  7. 我要撕一块马苏里拉奶酪,不需要太多,把奶酪分散放在小披萨饼上即可。

    So I 'll just take a little bit of mozzarella don 't need much at all just distribute it around the little pizza .

  8. 然而,在1998至2013年间人们对苏打水的狂热度消减了近百分之二十五。但是,2013年马苏里拉奶酪的销量暴涨到了上世纪七十年代销量的三倍。

    While soda guzzling managed to fall by nearly 25 % between 1998 and 2013 , mozzarella consumption in 2013 had tripled the 1970s volume !

  9. 在摊好的饼皮上铺上一层番茄酱,上面撒上1/4杯撕碎的罗勒叶和四盎司鲜马苏里拉奶酪薄片。

    Spread a layer of sauce over rolled-out crust , top with packed ¼ cup torn basil leaves and 4 ounces fresh mozzarella , thinly sliced .

  10. 素披萨:将面团刷上橄榄油或香蒜酱,上面铺上切成薄片的茄子、洋葱、西红柿、蘑菇和马苏里拉奶酪。

    Vegetarian : Brush dough with olive oil or pesto , then top with slightly overlapping thin slices of eggplant , onion , tomato , mushrooms and mozzarella .

  11. 这是一间气氛欢快的披萨店,同样对原料诸多注重:腌肉是用本土有机猪肉加工腌制而成,以丹麦牛奶为原料的马苏里拉奶酪也是用人工撕成细丝。

    A rollicking pizzeria , it too pays obsessive attention to its ingredients : The salumi is made and cured in-house from local organic pork , and the mozzarella , made from Danish milk , is pulled by hand .