
  • 网络Maghreb;maghrib;al-maghrib;Maghribi
  1. 关于阿拉伯马格里布联盟国家间统一司法组织的协定

    Agreement on unified judicial organization between the States of the Arab Maghreb Union

  2. 柏柏尔人的历史是马格里布发展史的有机组成部分。

    The history of Berbers is an organic part of the Maghreb development history .

  3. 马格里布&欧洲输气管道使用三层PE覆盖层系统

    Three-layer PE Coating System Used on Maghreb-Europe Line . OGST

  4. 阿拉伯马格里布人口与发展突尼斯行动计划

    Tunis Plan of Action on Population and development in the Arab Maghreb

  5. 公元702年阿拉伯人征服了整个马格里布。

    Arabian had conquered whole Maghreb in702 .

  6. 阿拉伯马格里布联盟总统委员会

    Presidential Council of the Arab Maghreb Union

  7. 马格里布联盟国家注重同欧盟以及美国的发展关系。

    Maghreb Union countries focus onthe development of relations with the European Union and the United States .

  8. 马格里布青年旅游局

    Maghreb Youth Tourism Agency

  9. 他希望努力赶上罗马帝国的君王奥古都斯大帝的功绩,把马格里布地区的部分国家和土耳其带入欧洲。

    He wants to emulate the Roman emperor Augustus and bring parts of the Maghreb and Turkey into Europe .

  10. 因此,西撒问题不解决,马格里布一体化难言大发展。

    So it is hard to reach the goal of Maghreb integration if the West Sahara issue is not solved .

  11. 最近的大幅度增长始于1960年代,当时西欧和北欧国家因经济扩张而大量招募马格里布工人。

    The more recent surge took place in the1960s , as Western and Northern European countries actively recruited Maghreb workers for their expanding economies .

  12. 如果投资得当,马格里布国家可能走上二、三十年前亚洲四小龙的经济腾飞之路。

    With the right investment , the Maghreb states could follow the economic path blazed a couple of decades ago by the Asian tigers .

  13. 如果马格里布共同市场组织能超越历史上的断裂带,它将成为联系中东和非洲的欧洲-地中海一体化的一个组成部分。

    If the Maghreb can move beyond historical fault lines , it can be part of a Euro-Med integration linked to both the Mideast and Africa .

  14. 首先,肯定马格里布柏柏尔人的光辉历史遗产,突出其在马格里布历史发展中的重要地位。其次,对柏柏尔人问题乃至族群认同能够愈演愈烈的原因进行总结。

    First of all , make a summary of the history of the Maghreb Berber ; highlight its historical important position of Maghreb development in the history . Secondly , summarize Berber problem and the reason why the ethnic identity problem can become increasingly fierce .