
  • 网络Malaysian Chinese
  1. 云顶的创始人是已故马来西亚华人大亨林梧桐,该公司尤其热衷于在澳门发掘商机。米高梅幻影与澳门赌王何鸿燊(StanleyHo)之女何超琼(PansyHo)在澳门有一家对等持股的合资企业。

    Genting , founded by the late Malaysian Chinese tycoon Lim Goh Tong , is particularly keen to explore opportunities in Macao , where MGM Mirage has a 50-50 joint venture with Pansy Ho , the daughter of Hong Kong gaming magnate Stanley Ho .

  2. 蔡细历是马来西亚华人协会的一位领导人,已婚。

    Chua , a leader of the Malaysian Chinese Association , is married .

  3. 马华公会:对马来西亚华人政党的个案分析

    Malaysian Chinese Association : A Case Study of Chinese Parties in Malaysia

  4. 马来西亚华人政治是海外华人政治的一个典型。

    Chinese politics in Sarawak is a typical of Chinese politics overseas .

  5. 马来西亚华人资本的形成和发展

    The Forming and Developing of Overseas Chinese Capital in Malaysia

  6. 马来西亚华人及其对中马关系的影响

    The Overseas Chinese in Malaysia and the China-Malaysia Relations

  7. 马来西亚华人与马来人族际关系演变新探

    The relation (?) On Changes in Relationships between Chinese and Malay in Malaysia

  8. 九十年代中马关系的发展与马来西亚华人

    The Development of Sino Malaysian Relations in the 1990 's and Malaysian Chinese

  9. 马来西亚华人社团史研究

    A Study on the History of the Associations of Overseas Chinese in Malaysia

  10. 香港、新加坡、马来西亚华人语言中的语码转换现象

    The Language Use of Sino-Mauritians Code-Switching in Hong Kong , Singapore and Malaysia

  11. 年轻的马来西亚华人龙毓华和英国人并肩作战。

    Paul Loong , a young Malaysian , was fighting with the British .

  12. 马来西亚华人宗教探析

    A Probe into Religions Worshipped by Chinese Malaysians

  13. 空竹起源于中国,颇受马来西亚华人的欢迎。

    Originally from China , the diabolo is popular among Chinese living in Malaysia .

  14. 今天,马来西亚华人中国绘画及国画被当作现有的概念来应用,但它所蕴涵的历史文化意蕴,却远远超越了现有的概念和定位的意义。

    The existing idea goes much beyond the significance of the concept and location .

  15. 政治认同解构:以马来西亚华人为例

    Deconstruction of Political Identity : With Special Reference on the Ethnic Chinese of Malaysia

  16. 马来西亚华人与马来人就业地位变化的比较与分析

    A Comparative Study of the Change of Employment Position Between Ethnic Chinese and Malays in Malaysia

  17. 马来西亚华人妇女社团组织简析

    Overseas Chinese Female Societies in Malaysia

  18. 华文报纸是马来西亚华人社会的重要信息传播媒介,也是华人进行交流沟通的媒介。

    Malaysia Chinese newspapers is an important medium for information dissemination in the Chinese community in Malaysia .

  19. 二十世纪马来西亚华人传统音乐文化的主题变迁

    The Theme Change of Malaysian Chinese Traditional Musical Culture in the 20 ~ ( th ) Century

  20. 试析马来西亚华人社团的历史分期

    On the Division of the Historical Periods in the Development of the Associations by Oversea Chinese in Malaysia

  21. 东南亚华人音乐的形成与来源&以马来西亚华人传统音乐为例

    Formation and Origin of Overseas Chinese Music in Southeast Asia & Based on traditional music of Malaysian Chinese

  22. 马来西亚华人社团对当地华文教育的发展而言,起着举足轻重的作用。

    The associations of Overseas Chinese have played a decisive role in the development of Chinese education in Malaysia .

  23. 保护、传承与发扬&20世纪80年代以来马来西亚华人社团发展华人文化的举措与动态分析

    Protection , Inheritance and Development : An Analysis on Measures and Trends of Malaysian Chinese Associations for developing the Chinese Culture since 1980s

  24. 目的考察马来西亚华人幼儿教师的心理健康、社会支持和幸福度三者之间的关系。

    Objective The relationship of mental health , social support and happiness of the Chinese teachers in kindergarten living in Malaysia was explored .

  25. 华人教育的重要推动力量&马来西亚华人社团奖助贷学金分析

    A Kind of Important Power Which Pushes Forward Chinese Education & An Analysis On The Scholarship In The Associations of Overseas Chinese in Malaysia

  26. 就世界华人政治史而言,马来西亚华人政治史具有一定的典型意义。

    As far as the political history of world overseas Chinese is concerned , the one of Malaysian overseas Chinese is of typical importance .

  27. 马来西亚华人社团网站:?一个为华社提供信息,共享资源,申张正义的网站。

    Malaysian Chinese Society Web Site : a web site that provide information , share resources and fight for the rightness for the Malaysian Chinese Society .

  28. 马来西亚华人新生代的崛起是20世纪90年代以来马来西亚乃至东南亚华文文坛的重要现象。

    The rise of the new generation of Malaysian Chinese writers is an important event in the Malaysian , and even the entire Southeast Asian Chinese literary circle since 1990s .

  29. 2007年她建立了自己的慈善信托,以纪念父亲,一位马来西亚华人大亨,旨在“将当代中国带入英国公众视野”,反之亦然。

    When she launched a charitable trust in 2007 , dedicated to the memory of her father , a Chinese-Malaysian tycoon , the aim was to " bring contemporary China to the British public " and vice versa .

  30. 论文通过分析独立以来马来西亚华人政策和华巫关系的演变,提供了世纪之交马来西亚华人与马来人关系的一个背景。

    This paper focuses on the ethnic Chinese policy in Malaysia and the relation between the ethnic Chinese and natives . The writer provides a background for analyzing the racial relations in Malaysia at the turn of the century .