
mǎ lā sōnɡ shì tán pàn
  • marathon negotiations
  1. 在戴维营举行的马拉松式谈判没有达成任何协议,以破裂告终。

    The marathon negotiation at Camp David finally broke down without agreement .

  2. 未能就更多资助达成一致,是导致190余个国家之间的马拉松式谈判陷入停滞的数个问题之一。

    Failure to agree on more funding is one of several issues stalling the marathon talks between more than 190 countries .

  3. 柏林(法新社)&德国将其17个核反应堆的寿命延长平均12年,环境部长诺伯特·勒特根星期一在对争议的问题进行的马拉松式谈判之后宣布。

    BERLIN ( AFP )– Germany will extend the life of its17 nuclear reactors by12 years on average , Environment Minister Norbert Roettgen announced Monday after marathon talks on the controversial issue .

  4. 马拉松式的谈判使他精疲力竭。

    The marathon talks exhausted him completely .

  5. 原本公众认为上周末马拉松式的谈判结束后,情况就可以得到解决。

    A settlement was believed in the works last Sunday after a marathon weekend of negotiating .

  6. 我们的谈判获得了圆满成功。经过这次马拉松式的谈判,我们都需要好好休息一下。

    Our negotiation prove a great success . both of us deserve a good rest after the marathon negotiation .

  7. 周三早些时候,阿根廷债券价格一度飙升,因马拉松式的谈判以及银行提出的一项介入计划引发投资者期待谈判双方在最后一刻达成协议。

    Argentine bonds had surged earlier in the day as marathon negotiations and word of a plan by banks to step in raised hopes of a last-minute deal .

  8. 伊朗与六国(美国、英国、法国、俄罗斯、中国和德国)宣布,他们在日内瓦经过五天马拉松式的谈判,于周日凌晨达成一份协议。

    Iran and P5 + 1 , or the United States , Britain , France , Russia and China plus Germany , announced they have reached a deal early Sunday morning after five days of marathon talks in Geneva .

  9. 各方从崩溃边缘挽救了马拉松式的气候变化谈判,使《京都议定书》起死回生,并达成致力达成新协定的折衷协议。

    The Kyoto treaty was kept alive after negotiators brought the marathon talks back from the brink of collapse with a compromise deal to work towards the new pact .