
  • 网络Markov model;hidden markov model;HMM
  1. 对隐马尔可夫模型训练过程中参数B的优化方法进行改进。

    Improve on optimized method of parameter B in the process of HMM training .

  2. 隐马尔可夫模型参数通过期望最大化算法(EM)来估计。

    The HMM parameters were estimated by the EM algorithm .

  3. 基于小波域隐马尔可夫模型的人脑MRI体数据分类

    Classification of Brain MRI Volume Data Based on Wavelet-Domain Hidden Markov Model

  4. 基于隐马尔可夫模型的P2P流量控制管理系统

    A P2P Traffic Control and Management System Based on Hidden Markov Model

  5. 研究了一种基于DCT变换和嵌入式隐马尔可夫模型(EmbeddedHiddenMarkovModel)的人脸识别方法。

    A method based on Embedded Hidden Markov Model ( EHMM ) and DCT feature is presented .

  6. 重点是基于语料库的方法和算法,例如隐马尔可夫模型(HiddenMarkovModel)和概率上下文无关文法。

    The emphasis will be on corpus-based methods and algorithms , such as Hidden Markov Models and probabilistic context free grammars .

  7. 本文采用信道的隐马尔可夫模型(HMM)和最优控制策略,设计了一种实时Internet视频传输的速率控制算法。

    In this paper , we present a rate control algorithm for real - time video over the Internet .

  8. 隐马尔可夫模型模型(HMM)基本理论;

    The Basis Theoretical of Hidden Markov Model ( HMM ) ;

  9. 模型的性能评估结果显示隐马尔可夫模型在预测敏感度和准确度方面明显优于所有基于BLAST的方法。

    The evaluations of models or methods show that HMM is always better than BLAST-based methods obviously on sensitivity and accuracy .

  10. 分别用TS及ITS训练隐马尔可夫模型进行动态手势识别。

    TS and ITS are applied to training HMM for dynamic gesture recognition .

  11. 连续型隐马尔可夫模型(HMM)参数与语音识别

    On the parameters of hidden Markov models ( hmm ) and speech recognition

  12. 隐马尔可夫模型(HiddenMarkovmodel)用于多序列比对研究是生物信息学研究的新领域,其可以通过训练识别同一特征的蛋白质序列。

    Hidden Markov model used in multiple alignment is a new field of bioinformatics . It can be used to distinguish protein sequence with the same characterstics .

  13. 探讨了HMM(隐马尔可夫模型)在说话人识别领域中的应用,并对说话人确认系统中的关键问题&确认阈值的确定,提出了一种新的解决方法。

    Speaker verification using HMM ( hidden Markov model ) is investigated in this paper .

  14. 由于击键过程的时间序列特性和隐马尔可夫模型(HMM)在处理序列化动态信号中的优越性能,该文提出了根据用户击键特征采用HMM对用户身份进行认证的新方法。

    This paper proposes a new approach based on hidden Markov models ( HMM ) .

  15. 隐马尔可夫模型(HiddenMarkovmodel,HMM)是一种概率模型,它假定观测序列是由包含若干隐状态的马尔可夫过程产生的。

    Hidden Markov Model ( HMM ) is a statistical model which assumes the observa-tion sequence is generated by a Markov process with hidden states .

  16. 论文在结合理论和实践的基础上,对基于隐马尔可夫模型(HiddenMarkovmodel,HMM)的非特定人、孤立词语音识别方法进行了系统地研究,主要内容如下。

    On the basis of combining theory with practice , the speech recognition based on Hidden Markov Model ( HMM ) is researched systematically in this paper .

  17. 本文实现的中文命名实体识别系统采用了隐马尔可夫模型(HiddenMarkovmodel,HMM)与自动规则提取相结合的方法。

    This paper presents a Chinese named entity recognition system that integrates the Hidden Markov Model ( HMM ) and rules which are automatic extracted from the training corpus .

  18. 用GM(1,1)模型预测短期负荷虽具有很好的精确性,但对于波动性较大的高峰负荷,它的预测精度比较低,而马尔可夫模型可以克服负荷波动较大的局限性。

    Using GM ( 1,1 ) model to predict short-period load has good accuracy , but to the high waving peak load , its accuracy is low .

  19. 隐马尔可夫模型(HiddenMarkovmodel,简称HMM)是20世纪70年代提出来的一种统计方法。它包括一个不被直接观测的马尔可夫过程和一个与之相关的可观测过程。

    The Hidden Markov Model ( HMM ) is a statistical method , which was introduced in 1970s . Each model consists of a Hidden Markov process and an observation process .

  20. 为了使得协议参数设置可以满足QoS要求并且进行准确的实际模拟,我们使用完全符合实际无线环境的马尔可夫模型来模拟无线链路。

    In order to derive the protocol parameter setting fulfilling the QoS requirements , we develop detailed models of the ARQ protocol and TCP by using standard Markovian techniques .

  21. 基于隐马尔可夫模型的OTH雷达模式识别和目标定位

    Over horizon radar mode recognition and target localization based on hidden Markov model

  22. 并论述了隐马尔可夫模型和Viterbi算法在词性标注的运用中的实现方法。

    At the end , we discuss the using of the Hidden Markov Mode and the Viterbi algorithm in life .

  23. 为使得隐马尔可夫模型(HMM)能够处理非相邻可见符号之间的依赖关系,将延时机制引入标准的HMM中。

    To enable hidden Markov models to account for dependencies between non-adjacent observation symbols , time-delay is introduced to standard high order HMM states .

  24. 定量地分析与评价经典隐马尔可夫模型(HiddenMarkovmodel,HMM)的性能,是汉语连续语音识别研究中尚未解决并且亟需解决的问题。

    In the area of mandarin continuous speech recognition , there has always been an urgent but unaddressed task to quantitatively analyze and evaluate the performance of classical Hidden Markov Model ( HMM ) .

  25. 其中,以基于隐马尔可夫模型(HiddenMarkovmodel,HMM)的参数语音合成方法为代表,该方法已逐步发展成为和基于语料库的单元挑选与波形拼接合成方法相并列的一种主流语音合成方法。

    One representative approach of these methods is Hidden Markov Model ( HMM ) based parametric synthesis , which has become a mainstream speech synthesis approach together with the unit selection and waveform concatenation approach .

  26. 在基于隐含马尔可夫模型(HMM)的连续语音识别系统中,模型状态的高斯分布输出概率的计算会占到整个系统计算量的30%到70%。

    In the HMM-based continuous speech recognition system , 30 % ~ 70 % of the computation is spent on calculating gaussian output probabilities of states .

  27. 随后,基于上述时变MIMO信道模型,提出了一种基于隐马尔可夫模型的高铁MIMO复用和分集自适应选择方案,并给出了具体的实施步骤。

    Then an adaptive switching scheme between multiplexing and diversity in MIMO system for high speed railway is presented on the basis , and the detailed implementation steps are given .

  28. HTK:这是一个用于构建和操纵隐马尔可夫模型的便携式工具包。

    HTK : Delve into this portable toolkit for building and manipulating hidden Markov models .

  29. 用马尔可夫模型分析基于通信的列车控制系统(CBTC)的安全性

    Safety Analysis on Communication Based Train Control System by Markov Model

  30. 基于隐马尔可夫模型的多频率线跟踪算法,能在很低的SNR环境下工作,但量化误差较大,和计算量大。

    The HMM based multiple frequency line tracking algorithms of work well under very low SNR , except for a high complexity of computation and for generally unnegligible quantization error .