
mǎ jiù
  • stable
马厩 [mǎ jiù]
  • [stable;shed for horses] 养马的房舍

  • 可养20匹马的马厩

  1. 接近马厩时,他勒马缓行,轻拍它的脖颈。

    As he neared the stable , he slowed the horse and patted it on the neck

  2. 士兵们把教堂当马厩,亵渎了教堂。

    The soldiers violated the church by using it as a stable .

  3. 马儿们从马厩门上探出头来。

    Horses were poking their heads over their stall doors .

  4. 当我们走出马厩的时候,一个人骑着马向我们走了过来。

    As we came out of the stables , a rider came towards us .

  5. 她缠了我好几个星期了,要我带她去马厩看看。

    She 's been on at me for weeks to show her round the stables

  6. 你应该每天把关在马厩里的马放出来自由活动几个小时。

    You should allow your stabled horse a couple of hours ' freedom per day .

  7. 马厩里有两匹马,吃得多,不干活。

    There are two horses in the stable , eating their heads off and doing no work .

  8. 这地产包括一栋住宅,仆人住室,一个汽车房,几间马厩及100英亩的树林。

    The estate consists of a main house , servants 's quarters , a garage , stables and100 acres of woods .

  9. 路那边的牧场上,马儿、骒子和奶牛头伸出篱笆安静地站在那儿,等着被赶到马厩用晚餐。

    Across the road , in the pasture , the horses , mules and cows stood quietly with heads over the split-rail fence , waiting to be driven to the stables and supper .

  10. 那匹母马刚刚在马厩里产下了一只小马驹。

    The mare has just thrown a foal in the stable .

  11. 谷仓的马厩里的马们,竖起的耳朵也听到了母鹅的喊叫,因此不久所有的马也明白发生了什么事儿。

    The horses , in their stalls in the barn , pricked6 up their ears when they heard the goose hollering ; and soon the horses had caught on to what was happening .

  12. 据媒体People报道,周六,措科夫妇在加州圣地亚哥的马厩里举办了婚礼。

    The couple tied the knot on Saturday in a horse stable near San Diego , California , People reported .

  13. 请帮忙编排一种方案,把N匹马顺序放入k个马厩中,令到马厩总的不愉快系数最小。

    Determine a way to place the N horses into the K stables , so that the total coefficient of unhappiness is minimized .

  14. R&B歌手ChrisBrown现在正在佛吉尼亚警察局的马厩里捡垃圾。

    R & B singer Chris Brown is now picking up trash at a police horse s in Virginia .

  15. 正如约翰·厄普代克(JohnUpdike)那句名诗所说,它们敢于“冒犯马厩中的牡马”。

    In the words of a famous poem by John Updike , they " insult the stallion in his stall . "

  16. 签名:ZK2008。于西美《马厩》作者简介:吕智凯,陕西人,1979年毕业于西安美术学院,1999年中国美术学院水彩高级研修班毕业。

    About the authors : CARBON Kay , Shaanxi , 1979 graduated from the Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts in1999 , China Academy of Fine Arts Watercolor advanced training class graduated .

  17. 有旧屋改建的新潮餐馆吗?有,譬如马厩改成的马厩吧(StablesBar)、农舍改成的老乌鸦(OldCrow)和印刷厂改建的印馆(PrintHall)。

    Modish new restaurants in repurposed spaces like stables ( the Stables Bar ) , cottages ( the Old Crow ) or a printing press building ( the Print Hall ) ?

  18. Hobson先生在英国的剑桥养着一整个马厩的马。

    Mister Hobson owned a stable of horses in Cambridge , England .

  19. 一匹著名赛马DD“银光”DD失踪了,歇洛克?福尔摩斯和华生医生来到了位于达特穆尔的马厩。

    A well-known race DD " silver " DD had disappeared , Sherlock ? Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson went to the horse stables located in Dartmoor .

  20. 工人们修复了当地城堡塞茵那石(pietraserenastone)垒砌的蓝灰色外、窗户原有的铁门和巨大的马厩木门。

    The workers restored the fortress 's blue-gray facade of local pietra serena stone , original iron grates on the windows and massive wooden stable doors .

  21. 吃货和骑马爱好者都会喜欢马厩酒馆(BrasserieLesHaras)。这家小店设在18世纪的一座马厩里,2013年经过一群设计师和餐饮企业家的改造以后重新开业。

    Food lovers and jockeys alike will appreciate Brasserie Les Haras , an 18th-century horse stable that was renovated and reopened in 2013 by a dream team of designers and restaurateurs .

  22. 马厩已用水龙管冲洗过。

    The stables were sluiced out whit water from a hose .

  23. 他把这家伙的手钉在马厩里。

    He had the guy 's hands nailed to a stall .

  24. 汤晋森马厩有三匹马将参加下一场比赛。

    Thompson stables are running three horses in the next race .

  25. 你们要的马就在那边的马厩里。

    The horse you wanted is in the stable over there .

  26. 还没习惯自家马厩里那匹有缺陷的小马驹吗?

    Are you not accustomed to broken ponies in your stable ?

  27. 他们把一座旧马厩改建成一所舒适的小房子。

    They converted an old stable into a comfortable little house .

  28. 之前是个马厩后来我们为了威尔改建的

    It was the stables before we had it adapted for Will

  29. 他叫她帮他打扫马厩。

    He asked her to help him clean out the stables .

  30. 你要是担心的话,那就到马厩去。

    You should go to the stables if you 're worried .