
  • 【人名】Maxim
  1. 我一有机会便去马克西姆餐厅吃饭。

    Whenever I get the chance I go to Maxim 's for dinner .

  2. 马克西姆和雪莉·安以前做的第一件事就是带她去轨道上,而她做好了牺牲一切的准备。

    One of the first things Maxime used to do with Shelly Ann was taking her to the track , and she was ready to sacrifice everything .

  3. 马克西姆很早就带着自己的责任进入了成人世界,这让她下定决心确保自己的孩子最终不会走上水屋贫困的道路。

    Maxime 's early entry into the adult world with its responsibilities gave her the determination to ensure that her kids would not end up in Waterhouse 's roundabout of poverty .

  4. 她的母亲马克西姆出生于一个十四口之家,年轻时也曾是一名运动员。但和沃特豪斯的其他许多女孩一样,她生完第一个孩子后就没有继续这项事业了。

    Her mother Maxime , one of a family of fourteen , had been an athlete herself as a young girl but , like so many other girls in Waterhouse , had to stop after she had her first baby .

  5. 马克西姆和莉丝是一对年轻的法国夫妇。

    Maxime and Lise are a young French couple .

  6. 26岁的马克西姆从事帮助农民饲养奶牛的工作,而他26岁的妻子丽斯是一名教师。

    Maxime , 26 , works helping farmers raise their cows , while his wife Lise , 26 , is a teacher .

  7. 最初他们的印刷机小得可以放在一只厨房餐桌上,但是他们后来的出版物包括了艾略特的《荒原》(1922),马克西姆.高尔基,E。

    Originally their printing machine was small enough to fit on a kitchen table , but their publications later included T.S.Eliot 's Waste Land ( 1922 ), fiction by Maxim Gorky , E.

  8. 美国官员表示,巴基耶夫的儿子、法定继承人马克西姆(Maksim)曾计划与会,但后来没有参加。

    Mr. Bakiyev 's son and heir apparent , Maksim , had been scheduled to take part in those meetings but didn 't , U.S. officials said .

  9. 在科特金看来,“残酷无情的阶级斗争组成了列宁思想的核心”。或者就像马克西姆•高尔基(MaximGorky)所写的那样,“他(列宁)的爱,穿透了仇恨的迷雾,望向遥远的未来”。

    In Kotkin 's view , " Pitiless class warfare formed the core of Lenin 's thought . " Or , as Maxim Gorky wrote , " His [ Lenin 's ] love looked far ahead , through the mists of hatred . "

  10. 马克西姆与乔治.温斯顿在钢琴的演奏风格上也是有同有异的。

    Maksim and George Winston on piano playing style also is different .

  11. 马克西姆,可怜可怜吧,太热了。

    Maxime , for pity 's sake , it 's too hot .

  12. 对于马克西姆来说,生活意味着弹钢琴。

    For Maksim , living meant playing the piano .

  13. 费边。马克西姆斯确实成功地运用了新的“进攻性的费边战术”。

    Fabius Maximus did manage to use the new " Offensive Fabian Tactics " .

  14. 马克西姆之家真是个好地方!

    What a marvelous place maxim 's is !

  15. 马克西姆上班时发现的狗。

    Maxim found the dog at work .

  16. 额,马克西姆抢了很多戏呢,主要笑点都在他身上。

    The forehead , maxim robbed many scenes , mainly the punchline ? In him .

  17. 马克西姆餐厅的排场虽然大,但也并非是绝对消费不起的。

    Maxim restaurant While ostentation , but it is not absolutely can not afford anything .

  18. 魅力法餐在北京&走进马克西姆餐厅

    Charming French Food Maxims in Beijing

  19. 马克西姆娶了他青梅竹马的甜心安娜,他们有个女儿名叫利鲁。

    Maksim is married to childhood sweetheart Ana and the couple have a daughter named LeeLoo .

  20. 这时马克西姆站起来。

    Maxim was standing up now .

  21. 周末去马克西姆吃饭吧?说实话,我期待着能再见到他。

    Shall we dine at Maxim this weekend ? Be honesty , I 'm longing for seeing him again .

  22. 最后一章里主要研究了马克西姆与乔治.温斯顿的作品与音乐,在通过对他们的音乐进行了分析。

    The last chapter of Maksim and George . Winston works with music , through the music they were analyzed .

  23. 该专辑最引人入胜的时刻当属背景节拍和电子乐强化马克西姆演奏的时候了。

    The best moments of the album occur when the background beats and electronic sounds enhance mrvica 's piano playing .

  24. 马克西姆加了200磅的冰块在这个池子里,然后怂恿他的朋友“莱安”跳进去。

    Maksimuk added two hundred pounds of ice into the pool before encouraging his friend ' Ryan ' to jump in .

  25. 马克西姆在1993年参加了第一次大赛,为此他兴奋地练习,以期达到更高的水准。

    Maksim entered his first competition in1993 , practising feverishly to reach the high standards he knew were expected of him .

  26. 我正跟他热情万分地说起巴黎的马克西姆餐厅和芭蕾舞,突然听到他打起了呼噜。

    I 'm pouring my heart out about Maxim 's and the ballet , and out of the blue I hear snoring .

  27. 尽管马克西姆的这个反应不像那些极端的例子那么剧烈,但是它仍然有一种按摩浴缸里气泡按摩的感觉。

    While the reaction is not as extreme as in other viral clips , it gives the effect of a bubbling Jacuzzi .

  28. 但是马克西姆斯逃跑了,被奴隶商抓住,最终成为了一个角斗士,在竞技场里为他的生命而战斗。

    But Maximus escapes , gets captured by slave traders and ends up as a gladiator fighting for his life in the arena .

  29. 还记得迈克尔昨天提起的,他去马克西姆接我时,陪我跳舞的绅士吗?

    Do you remember that gentleman who , as Michael said yesterday , had danced with me before he went to meet me in Maxim ?

  30. 马克西姆说道:“你甚至在电影里都不会有机会看到这样是场景。想象一下在1500加仑可乐里游泳的感觉。喔噢!”

    This is something you wouldn 't even see in the movies , ' he said . ' Imagine just swimming in this . Wow . '