
  • 网络marxist world outlook
  1. 我们不能强迫这些人接受马克思主义世界观。

    We cannot force them to accept the Marxist world outlook .

  2. 马克思主义世界观是社会主义意识形态领域的旗帜和灵魂。

    Marxist world outlook is a socialist ideology flags and soul .

  3. 在新形势下,全党要保持和发扬艰苦奋斗的精神,反对奢侈挥霍之风,要把树立马克思主义世界观,人生观和发扬中华民族优秀传统有机地结合起来;

    In the new situation the whole party should keep and carry forward the spirit of plain living and hard struggle .

  4. 思政教育的根本目标是培养具备马克思主义世界观、人生观、教育观的有中国特色社会主义的人才。

    The basic aim of ideological political education is to train the students to be the talented persons with Chinese characteristics having Marxist world outlook , outlook on life and outlook on education .

  5. 论文第五部分,着重论述了心理疏导的作用:是促进大学生心理健康发展、奠定人格修养基础、马克思主义世界观建立的需要。

    Part five , focuses on the psychological counseling role : to promote college students ' psychological health development , lay the important character accomplishment , the need to establish a Marxist world outlook .

  6. 但如果深入到世界观的内部层次&自我意识和真理标准,探讨它们在经济全球化过程中的变化,可以断定经济全球化对马克思主义世界观教育同样构成挑战。

    However , if we go deep into the interior level - self-awareness and the criterion of truth , and probe into their changes in the course of economic globalization , we can ascertain that economic globalization equally poses a challenge to Marxist weltanschauung .

  7. 从具体的感性实践出发,马克思主义世界观首先意味着人的自由自觉的感性活动打破自身的界限,不断地将人的感性意识和感性需要实现为自然的历史过程。

    From the point of view of perceptual practice , Marxism ′ s world outlook means that the human free conscious perceptual activities break off the congenital boundary and that the realization of the human perceptual conciousness and perceptual needs is considered as the natural process of world history .

  8. 实践与物质生产&析马克思主义新世界观的本质

    Practice and Material Production & On the Essence of Marxist New World Outlook

  9. 理论的彻底性是发挥马克思主义哲学世界观教育功能的思想前提。

    The theory thoroughness is the ideological precondition of exerting the function of Marxist philosophical world outlook education .

  10. 然而在这种国际国内背景下,当代大学生马克思主义的世界观、人生观和价值观的形成受到了各方面的影响,积极或者消极。

    However , in this international and domestic background , the Marxist world outlook , outlook on life and values formation of contemporary college students are affected , positive or negative .

  11. 因此,要提高行政领导者的创新能力必须在具体的方法与途径上坚持从实际出发,激发行政领导者的创新意识,树立马克思主义的世界观,掌握辩证的思维方法;

    Therefore , to improve the innovative ability of administrative leaders , it is required to inspire administrative innovative consciousness , to establish Marxist world view , realize the significance of dialectical thinking ways .

  12. 它在引导和帮助高职学生树立马克思主义的世界观、人生观和价值观方面,在培养高职学生成为社会主义事业的建设者和接班人方面,发挥着不可替代的积极作用。

    It plays the irreplaceable role in actively leading and helping the vocational college students to establish Marxist world view , outlook on life , and values so as to foster them to become builders and successors of socialism .

  13. 新时期教师理想人格要求在政治要求方面应树立马克思主义的世界观、人生观和价值观,坚持三个有利于标准,实践三个代表;

    The new time teacher ideal personality request should set up the Marxism in the political request aspect the world outlook , the outlook on life and the values , persisted " three are advantageous to " the standard , the practice " Three Representatives ";

  14. 其次,伴随着马克思主义经典作家世界观的转变,特别是历史唯物史观的形成,探索马克思法权思想发展的人本历程。

    Secondly , with the change in world outlook of Marxism-classical writers , especially the formation of historical materialism , to explore the historical traces of Marxist legal right .

  15. 以唯物主义作为马克思主义哲学的世界观存在很多问题,从马克思主义哲学发展的历程来看,实践观才应是马克思主义哲学的世界观。

    There are many problems concerning taking materialism as the world outlook of Marxist philosophy , based upon the development course of Marxist philosophy , the practice outlook should be the world outlook of Marxist philosophy .

  16. 论马克思主义的世界历史整体观

    On Marxist Concept of Viewing World History as a Whole

  17. 马克思主义哲学是无产阶级世界观的理论体系,但不是一种体系哲学。

    Marxist philosophy is a theoretical system of proletarian view , but it is not a systematic philosophy .

  18. 天地人巨系统观与马克思主义哲学的大世界观

    The View for Huge System of Cosmos - Earth - Man and the Great World Outlook of Marxist Philosophy

  19. 本文剖析了西方马克思主义新的哲学世界观与新的本体论,以及从这种新的本体论所引出的新的辩证法、认识论和历史观。

    This paper analyses the new philosophical world outlook and the new ontology established by Western Marxism as well as the new dialectical theory , epistemology and historical view derived from the new ontology .

  20. 那些认为马克思主义哲学没有本体论或主张马克思主义节学本体论是实践本体论的观点是站不住脚的,是与马克思主义哲学世界观理论相悖的。

    Those views considering that Marxism is of no ontology or Marxist ontology is practical ontology is arguable , and is paradoxical to Marxist world view .