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  1. 表单的数据包含在实例(instance)(马上有更多介绍)中;它包括所有的表单字段以及任何必需的临时存储器。

    The form 's data is contained within the instance ( more on that shortly ); it includes all of the form fields as well as any necessary temporary storage .

  2. “马上有东西吃吗?”那人问。

    " Will dinner be ready soon ?" said the man .

  3. 他又问了一次:“马上有东西吃吗?”

    Once more he inquired ," will dinner be ready soon ?"

  4. 韩:你在计算机上创作吗?马上有灵感就写?

    LH : And you write on it , right away ?

  5. 我马上有一场很重要的法语测试

    I just have this really big French test coming up .

  6. 当虫洞关闭的时候,他马上有强烈的反应。

    He reacted immediately after the gate was shut down .

  7. 四年后二人结婚,马上有了第二个孩子索菲。

    The couple married four years later and second child Sophie soon arrived .

  8. 而且我们马上有个大型婚礼。

    And we have this huge wedding coming up .

  9. 你们大楼马上有紧急事件发生。

    I think something really terrible is about to happen at your building .

  10. 我这里马上有增援要过来。

    And I 've got a dozen more coming .

  11. 妹妹马上有了反应,脉搏变得平缓稳定。

    Instantly the baby girl responds . The pulse rate becomes calm and steady .

  12. 任何人都看得出来,我真的需要马上有人帮助,否则就来不及了。

    Anybody could see I really needed help immediately before it was too late .

  13. 于是马上有一只鸭子飞过去,在他的颈上啄了一下。

    Andimmediately a duck flew at the big fledgling and bit him in the neck .

  14. 马上有人会去您那里。

    Someone will be with you soon .

  15. 马上有东西吃吗?

    Will dinner be ready soon ?

  16. 我坚持要马上有一个安身之处和供我休息的设备。

    I insisted on being provided instantly with a place of refuge , and means of repose .

  17. 马上有一个向导要来帮我们了,所以我们会准时到达的。

    With a local guide to help us , we are sure to get there in time .

  18. 不要让客户觉得您的企业必须马上有新的订单才可以生存。

    Don 't let the customer think your enterprises must have new orders that can survive at once .

  19. 收银员?别担心,马上有人来为您将商品装袋,并送到您的车上。

    Cashier : don 't worry , someone will come soon to bag your groceries and take them to your car .

  20. 更重要的问题是,她的讲话会对会场之外的全国观众产生何种影响,这个问题不可能马上有答案。

    The broader question was how her speech would play to the audience beyond , a question that was impossible to answer immediately .

  21. 所以这次采访马上有了有新的突破:它是第一次大卫也作为采访嘉宾加入我们两个的面谈。

    So this interview straight away broke new ground : it was the first Camelot interview in which David joined the two of us for the interview .

  22. 答:,当某人对他人负面的评论,且被评论人不在场时,谈话会变得越来越刻薄,除非马上有人跳为“靶子”辩护。

    The studies found that once someone made a negative comment about a person who wasn 't there , the conversation would get meaner unless someone immediately defended the target .

  23. 虽然不会马上有危险,但是她不知道如何诊断、选择和实施正确的化验以及制订治疗计划&尤其是不知道保险商是否会支付这些费用。

    There 's no immediate danger , but how can she hone in on the problem , choose and conduct the right tests , and get a treatment plan-especially one the insurance payer will approve ?

  24. 来自中央银行的信号表明,马上会有进一步的降息举动。

    The smoke signals from the central bank suggest further cuts are coming .

  25. 我们已经聘请了马德琳·贝尔等歌手担任主唱,我认为俱乐部马上就会有起色了。

    We have introduced singers like Madeline Bell as headliners and I think the club is beginning to take off .

  26. mootools-mobile提供了像swipe、pinch和touchhold这样富交互的自定义事件,马上还会有更多!

    Mootools-mobile provides custom events for rich interaction like swipe , pinch and touchhold – with more coming soon !

  27. Astro(node-xmpp):我很高兴在发布项目之后,Github上马上就有了关注者。

    Astro ( node-xmpp ): I was pretty happy about all the Github watchers I got in no time after I published the project .

  28. 在大家还没从Matthew和Mary之间生离死别的爱情中走出来的时候,在第四季中马上要有一个新男人进入Mary的生活中了,这位恢复单身的唐顿继承人将迎来新恋情。

    As if I wasn 't devastated enough about the conclusion of Matthew ( Dan Stevens ) and Mary 's ( Michelle Dockery ) epic love story , now comes word that our soon to be single heiress will have a new man in her life in season 4 .

  29. 马上就有人提出一些错漏百出的解释。

    Now , there are some immediate bad explanations for this .

  30. 听起来好像是马上就有一个“但是”在后面。

    It sounds like there 's a " but " coming .