
  • 网络Ajwain;allspice
  1. 用1汤匙油爆香红辣椒及蒜头,加入芡汁煮热,淋在鱼柳上。

    Saute red chili and garlic in 1 tbsp oil . Add sauce mix , heat through and pour over fish fillet .

  2. 用剩下的油爆香红辣椒,下鸡肉炒熟,加入西芹、甘笋及芡汁,炒匀至热透,拌入松子仁。

    Saute red chili in remaining oil . Add chicken and stir-fry until done . Add celery , carrot , sauce mix and heat through . Stir in pine nuts .

  3. AnimaDulcis香水的配料就取自我们目前所享用的棕色粘稠状香摩尔:红辣椒、香草、桂皮以及巧克力,再配上粉色鸭肉,味道妙不可言。

    The fragrance Anima Dulcis featured those same ingredients we were now eating in a thick brown fragrant mole : chilli , vanilla , cinnamon and chocolate , paired with pink duck .

  4. 采购:香辛料,辣椒,大蒜,洋葱,糖,香草药草,香精,香料提取物,香菜,芹菜,紫菜,黑胡椒,迷迭香等。

    Buy : spices , pepper , garlic , onion , bell pepper , sugar , herbs , flavors , spice extracts , coriander , parsley , dried seaweed , black pepper , rosemary , and so on .

  5. 多香果粉是一种小型常绿树-多香果辣椒-上的浆果干碾磨而成。

    Allspice is the dried , unripened fruit of a small evergreen tree , the Pimenta Dioica .