
  • 网络aromatherapy;aroma
  1. 气味:美好的香熏含有柠檬香草。

    Scent : Beautiful aromatherapy blend that includes lemongrass .

  2. 香熏全身按摩及面部护理

    Aromatherapy Full Body Massage with Facial

  3. 在吸烟者和不吸烟者中都观察到这种风险,说明暴露于香熏的香气中确定对呼吸道癌症是一个独立的风险因子,首席研究人员JeppeT。

    The risk was seen in smokers and nonsmokers , suggesting that exposure to burning incense is an independent risk factor for certain cancers of the respiratory tract , says lead researcher Jeppe T.

  4. 他们对进口的五香熏牛肉进行了品尝,希望找到超凡脱俗的口味。

    They sampled pastrami imports , hoping for greatness .

  5. 他制成的五香熏牛肉稍稍有些烟熏味,胡椒味很明显,咸味不太重,呈正宗的粉色。

    His pastrami is quietly smoky , noticeably peppery , not too salty , flagrantly pink .

  6. 自古以来,香熏已被使用于净化及治疗身心。

    Aromatherapy has been used since the ancient times to purify and harmonise the body and soul .

  7. 香熏史考

    History of Aromatic Fumigation

  8. 但我实在没法说,五香熏牛肉、百吉饼和奶酪蛋糕有什么超出它们品质的意义。

    But I can 't honestly write that the pastrami and bagels and cheesecake have any meaning that is deeper than their own quality .

  9. 你不需要去吃热狗、汉堡包、腊肠或五香熏牛肉,这些都是新鲜的或肉类制成品。

    You don 't need to have hot dogs , hamburgers , bologna , or pastrami , which are all fresh or processed meats .

  10. 双鱼座:爱幻想的双鱼座喜欢在一片朦胧中迷失,香熏蜡烛和精选的漂亮花朵正是营造这种气氛的绝佳选择。

    PISCES : Dreamy Pisces loves getting lost in the haze , so an aromatherapy candle and some beautiful hand-picked flowers will help to set the mood .

  11. 警告:不可食用;不可让儿童当玩具玩耍;避免香熏与皮肤、眼睛、表板或明火直接接触。

    Note : Warning : not for human consumption ; not allow children as toys to play ; to avoid fragrance and skin , eyes , table board or direct contact with open flame .

  12. 为了上乘的五香熏牛肉,他们一往无前就像布鲁克林或俄勒冈州的波特兰一样,柏林现在到处都是想借烤肉和包子一类的平民主食谋生的厨师。

    WHAT THEY 'LL DO FOR GOOD PASTRAMI Like Brooklyn or Portland , Ore. , Berlin is now full of cooks trying to make a living out of barbecue , bao and other populist staples .