
  • 网络hong kong football
  1. 除章程及本须知明文规定外,其余均依香港足球总会有限公司现行比赛规则办理。

    Unless stated in the prospectus and the guidelines , all rules and regulations will follow those used by the Hong Kong Football Association Ltd.

  2. 比赛将在小小的、仅能容纳6000名观众的旺角球场举行,因为香港足球总会未能争取到在香港大球场举办这场赛事。这场比赛的门票在几小时内就已售罄。

    Tickets for the match at the tiny , 6000-capacity Mong Kok stadium sold out within hours after the Hong Kong football association failed to secure access to the city 's main sporting venue .

  3. 香港足球队的重要特色是有前途有望的新手经常出现。

    A significant feature of Hong Kong 's football teams is the constant emergence of promising newcomers

  4. 对中国香港足球竞赛训练人员培养体系的考察与研究

    Investigation and Research on the Cultivation System of Soccer Competition and Training Personnel in Hong Kong

  5. 一只香港足球队将代表该地区参加今年10月在智利举行的世界杯比赛。

    A team of Hong Kong soccer players will represent the territory in the World Cup in Chile this October .

  6. 支获资格参加的球队,均来自2010年-11年香港甲组足球联赛。

    It is a knockout competition for all the teams of the2010 – 11 Hong Kong First Division League .

  7. 香港曼联足球学校是亚洲同类型学校的第一间,为本港具有足球天份的青年球员提供培训。

    The school is the first of its kind in Asia provides training for promising young soccer players in Hong kong .

  8. 我请教了一些同事男女都有他们怎样看待女性老板,以下是他们的共同感受:让这样的女性们感受踢球的乐趣,也就是普及足球运动才是现在香港女子足球所追求的目标。

    I asked a few colleagues men and women what they thought of female bosses and this was the consensus : What is needed now to promote women ` s football in Hong Kong-China is to convince them that it is just as fun to kick the ball themselves .

  9. 西方现代足球传入中国是以香港、广东两地为先,香港足球一直沿用着欧洲的管理和竞赛训练体制。

    The western modern soccer first entered Hong Kong and Guangdong in China . Hong Kong soccer still keeps the European management and training system for years .

  10. 在围绕从邮筒到选举制度等诸多话题爆发争吵后,香港与中国内地之间不断升温的矛盾在周二晚间将移师足球场。香港足球队将在这一晚对阵中国队,上演一场数十年来香港人最热切期待的赛事。

    After rows over everything from post boxes to the electoral system , simmering tensions between Hong Kong and China move to the football pitch on Tuesday night as their respective teams clash in the most eagerly awaited fixture here for decades .

  11. 在来深圳工作前,马可在香港一家著名的西餐厅工作过两年。其间,他也为来香港的足球运动员服务过。

    Before he landed the job in Shenzhen , Maggio worked for two years at a famous Western restaurant in Hong Kong , where he cooked for some soccer players .

  12. 在之前的世界杯预选赛中,香港球迷曾对他们正式的国歌《义勇军进行曲》发出嘘声,导致国际足联(Fifa)对香港足球总会做出罚款5000美元的决定。

    During previous World Cup qualifiers , Hong Kong 's fans booed their official national anthem - China 's " March of the Volunteers " - leading to a $ 5000 fine from Fifa , the sport 's governing body .