
  • 网络Hong Kong Satellite TV;star tv;HKSTV;HKS
  1. 24岁的孙翔(音译)是来自深圳香港卫视的一名视频剪辑师,去年年底她搬进了一处新的一居室。

    Sun Xiang , 24 , a video editor for Hong Kong Satellite TV in Shenzhen , moved into a new one-bedroom apartment at the end of last year .

  2. 据香港凤凰卫视(PhoenixTV)的视频资料和中文媒体澎湃(ThePaper)报道,四名香港书商已承认向中国内地走私批判性政治图书。这四名书商于去年失踪,随后现身内地警方看守所。

    Four of the Hong Kong booksellers who vanished last year before reappearing in mainland police custody have admitted to smuggling critical political works into China , according to videotaped confessions and a Chinese news report .

  3. 香港凤凰卫视实现跨国传播的启示

    Enlightenment from transnational communication practices of Phoenix Satellite Television

  4. 香港凤凰卫视记者:我的问题跟香港的生活与投资有关。

    My question is closely related to the life of and investment by Hong Kong people .

  5. 香港凤凰卫视有限公司经过十几年的艰难探索,创建了与众不同的凤凰发展模式。

    Phoenix Satellite Television has created a distinctly developing style for more than ten years of difficult explorations .

  6. 深圳地铁三号线、香港凤凰卫视国际新闻中心、巴黎香榭丽大街等,均得到用户的一致好评。

    Such as Shenzhen No.3 Subway Line , Hong Kong Phoenix Satellite TV International News center , Champs Elysees in Paris . Etc , which have received unanimous praises from our clients .

  7. 香港凤凰卫视的《有报天天读》和中央电视台的《马斌读报》分别是香港和内地最具代表性的电视读报节目。

    " Read newspapers every day " in Phoenix Television and " Ma Bin read newspapers " in China Central Television are the most representative newspaper-reading-program on TV in Hong Kong and the Mainland .

  8. 毕业后,我回香港加入凤凰卫视,卫星电视网络的一个普通话频道,我开始制作我自己的节目《杨澜面对面》。当时是中文电视的首个一对一深入采访节目。

    Upon graduation , I went back to Hong Kong to join Phoenix TV , the mandarin channel of Star TV Network . I started to produce my own show , Yan Lan 1-on-1 , which was the first ever in-depth 1-on-1 interview show on Chinese television .