
  • 网络Hong Kong Park;HK Park;Museum of Tea Ware;Hongkong Park
  1. 他们今天在香港公园很开心。

    They are very happy in the Hong Kong Park today .

  2. 艺术馆辖下还有茶具文物馆分馆,位于香港公园之内。

    The museum also has a branch , the Flagstaff House Museum of Tea Ware , located in Hong Kong Park .

  3. 连续三年的平安夜,第四台都有在香港公园鸟语花香的环境之中,为大家带来富节日气氛的音乐享受。

    For three years in a row ," Christmas Concert in the Park " has been a major attraction for those who enjoy listening to festive music in an idyllic surrounding on Christmas Eve .

  4. 香港湿地公园规划理念

    Concepts and Principles of Planning for the Hong Kong Wetland Park

  5. 香港湿地公园&一个在可持续性方面的多学科合作项目

    Hong Kong Wetland Park : a Multi-Disciplinary Exercise in Sustainability

  6. 寻找城市开发与湿地保护的平衡点&香港湿地公园规划设计

    Plan and Design of Wetland Park in Hongkong

  7. 香港郊野公园模式初探

    Preliminary study on Hong Kong Country Parks

  8. 据报,香港湿地公园附近最近发现红火蚁蚁丘。

    It has been reported that mounds of red fire ants were recently found near the Hong Kong Wetland park .

  9. 后者是一个互动模型,利用特别声光效果介绍香港湿地公园9个主要设施。

    The latter is an interactive model , with special audio-visual effects to highlight The9 key features of the Hong Kong Wetland park .

  10. 香港湿地公园是一个世界级的生态旅游设施,旨在推广绿色生态旅游,以及进行环境保护及湿地保育的公民教育。

    The Hong Kong Wetland Park is a world-class ecotourism facility aimed at promoting green tourism , education on environmental protection and wetland conservation .

  11. 除此之外,香港海洋公园日前发布报告称,在刚刚过去的春节期间,海洋公园内地旅游团人数遭遇双位数跌幅。报告同时指出,2015年全年该园入场人数跌幅达到14%。

    Besides , Ocean Park , recently reported a double-digit fall in the number of mainland visitors during the Spring Festival holidays , while total admissions to the park fell 14 percent in 2015 .

  12. 香港海洋公园上周三对外声称,该公园在2015至2016财年亏损2.411亿港元,为近30年来最大亏损。

    Hong Kong 's Ocean Park recorded a deficit of HK $ 241.1 million for the 2015 / 16 fiscal year , the biggest in almost 30 years , mainly due to a sharp drop in attendance , the park said last Wednesday .

  13. 他指出,当迪士尼在香港开设主题公园时,邻近的海洋公园(OceanPark)曾担心出现游客流失,但实际结果是到海洋公园的游客增加了。

    He noted that when Disney opened a Hong Kong theme park , the nearby attraction Ocean Park feared losing customers but in fact gained attendance .

  14. 香港的海洋公园是世界上最大的主题公园之一。

    The Ocean Park in Hong Kong is one of the biggest theme parks in the world .

  15. 一个集教育与娱乐于一身的样板主题公园就是香港的海洋公园。

    A good example of a theme park that both educates and entertains is Ocean Park in Hong Kong .

  16. 同学建议于香港仔郊野公园重修古迹游客中心,并加建缆车连接公园内各个景点,方便游人参观。

    A heritage transformed tourist centre and cable cars connecting visitors spots were proposed to be added in the Aberdeen Country Park .

  17. 调查显示,该园的受欢迎度一再落后于其香港竞争对手海洋公园(OceanPark)。

    The park has repeatedly been ranked less popular than Ocean Park , its Hong Kong rival , by surveys .

  18. 我们现在是在香港大埔的海滨公园。

    We 're now at the Seaside Park in Tai Po , Hong Kong .

  19. 香港九龙寨城公园啊。

    Hong Kong 's Kowloon Walled City Park .

  20. 他们带游客到名胜古迹,例如山顶,香港仔,海洋公园,和中国寺庙。

    They take the tourists to places of interest , such as the Peak , Aberdeen , Ocean Park and the Chinese temples .

  21. 香港迪士尼乐园度假区是香港迪士尼乐园主题公园,是全球第五个迪士尼乐园位于座位。

    Hong Kong Disneyland is a resort area located on Hong Kong Disneyland theme park , which is Disney 's fifth seat Disneyland .