
  • 网络xiangshan county;Huong Son;Hng Sn
  1. 鸦片战争之前,澳城外华人向香山县缴纳赋税,澳城内华人亦受清政府管辖。

    Before the first Opium War ( 1839-1842 ), the Chinese residents in the suburban area of Macao City paid taxes to the Xiangshan county of Guangdong Province , and those inside the city were within the jurisdiction of the then Qing government .

  2. 第四章分为两个小节概述了四位主要的香山归侨政治家对近代中国政治变革产生的作用以及对香山县一批归侨县长的政绩做具体分析。

    Chapter 4 is divided into two small parts to discussed the influence of four main returned politicians on the modern Chinese politics and relates the achievement of returned overseas magistrates of Zhongshan county .