
shǒu zhǎng
  • Chief;senior officer;leading cadre;paramount
首长 [shǒu zhǎng]
  • [leading cadre; senior officers] 指部队中的领导人;也指政府部门中的高级领导人

首长[shǒu zhǎng]
  1. 海军首长对密谋分子的手法和动机都表示出极大的轻蔑。

    The head of the navy heaped scorn on both the methods and motives of the conspirators .

  2. 这是野战军首长拍来的十万火急的电报。

    This is a signal of the urgent urgency from Field Army Headquarters .

  3. 各位首长!

    Leading comrades !

  4. 海军上将MikeMullen是参谋首长联席会议主席。

    Admiral Mike Mullen is chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff .

  5. 特恩布尔勋爵(lordturnbull)曾任英国内阁秘书与国内文官首长

    Lord Turnbull is a former cabinet secretary and head of the home civil service

  6. 而蝉联冠军的最长记录由玛丽亚•凯莉与BoyzIIMen乐队合唱的《OneSweetDay》创造。二十年前,这首歌曾占据榜首长达16周之久。

    The top honor belongs to Mariah Carey and Boyz II Men 's One Sweet Day , which reigned for 16 weeks about 20 years ago .

  7. 首长国际与香港首控同为中国国有钢铁企业首钢集团(shougangcorporation)旗下的子公司。

    Both Shougang Concord and Shougang Hong Kong are subsidiaries of Shougang Corporation , a state-owned steelmaker controlled by Beijing .

  8. 同时,借助GIS技术、数据库技术和网络技术建成了地震应急信息管理的计算机应用系统国家防震减灾指挥中心首长信息查询系统。

    Based-on GIS , database and network technology , we completed Commander Information Query System in National Earthquake Disaster Mitigation Command Headquarters , which was the computer application system of earthquake emergency information management system .

  9. STARR:但是冷着面孔的参谋首长联席会议并没有对这个敏感问题进行回应。

    STARR : But the stone-faced Joint Chiefs of Staff didn 't react to the sensitive matter .

  10. 海军上将MikeMullen十分支持这一总结评估,这是第一次“参谋首长联席会议”的主席支持允许同性恋部队服役的做法。

    Admiral Mike Mullen heartily supported the review , the first time a chairman of the joint chiefs of staff has backed the idea of allowing gay troops to serve .

  11. CIA的电脑被用来吹捧前首长WilliamColby的功绩,同时也编辑了显示伊拉克战争中伤亡数字的图形。

    CIA computers were used to beef up the accomplishments of former chief William Colby , as well as editing a graphic on casualties to indicate the numbers presented were only estimates .

  12. 在场的联合国机构其它首长还包括儿童基金会执行主任AnnVeneman,联合国艾滋病规划署执行主任PeterPiot博士以及劳工组织总干事JuanSomavia。

    Other heads of UN agencies present included Ann Veneman , Executive Director of UNICEF , Dr Peter Piot , Executive Director of UNAIDS , and Juan Somavia , Director-General of the ILO .

  13. DouglasBettcher博士,世卫组织无烟草行动临时主任和HaikNikogosian博士,世卫组织公约秘书处首长将可安排接受电话采访。

    Dr Douglas Bettcher , Director a.i. , Tobacco Free Initiative , WHO and Dr Haik Nikogosian , Head of the Convention Secretariat , WHO will be available for phone interviews .

  14. 正因为如此,他们作为氏族的首长被称为patres,即父老,而他们全体则构成元老院。

    It was because they were the elders of the gens that they were called fathers , patres , and their body , the senate .

  15. 首长来到军营视察。

    The senior officers came to the military camp for inspection .

  16. 分区域组织和亚太经社会行政首长协商会议

    Consultative Meeting among the Executive Heads of Subregional Organizations and ESCAP

  17. 亚基莫维奇向上级首长报告,并得到了批准。

    He reported to his superiors and request had been granted .

  18. 经济合作和一体化集团秘书处首长会议

    Meeting of Heads of Secretariats of Economic Cooperation and Integration Groupings

  19. 联盟没有一长制首长,即没有主掌执行权的首脑。

    The confederacy had no official head or chief executive officer .

  20. 船上人员等他们首长的命令等得不耐烦了。

    The crew were waiting impatiently for orders from their leader .

  21. 作为领导组织行政首长的秘书长

    Secretary-General in his capacity as the executive head of the lead organization

  22. 首长要你公开处理这件事。

    The director wants you to handie pubiicity on this .

  23. 各国货运业者协会行政首长会议

    Meeting of the Chief Executives of National Freight Forwarders Associations

  24. 多级放大电路计算中差动电路的处理开放首长级职位的概念

    On differential circuit in multistage amplifier calculation open Directorate concept

  25. 试析高校首长考核制

    On the Enforcement of the Assessment System on Division Heads in College

  26. 打痛了吗,首长?他的口气似乎很关心,却毫无热情可言。

    Does it hurt , sir ? His voice was flatly solicitous .

  27. 我的首长让我代表美国海军致答辞。

    My chief tells me to respond for the United States Navy .

  28. 行列的带队人是一位教会的首长。

    The principal person in the procession was a priest .

  29. 但是,征服者民族的最近的代表人是军事首长。

    But the immediate representative of the conquering people was their military leader .

  30. 首长同志,不如我们先在这里挖土豆。

    High comrade , how about we just dig potatoes for a while .