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  • maltose
  • 用麦芽制成的糖浆,糖稀:~糖。甘之如~。

  • 某种糖果:高粱~。

  • 古同“贻”,赠送。

  • 同“饲”,粮也。


(饴糖) maltose:

  • 高粱饴

    sorghum candy;

  • 甘之如饴

    enjoy sth. bitter as if it were sweet as malt sugar; gladly endure hardships

  1. 大部份人对这样的人生都甘之若饴,奉之不背。

    Most people enjoy the life like this and never give it up .

  2. 山楂饴中苏丹红的高效液相色谱法测定

    Determination of Sudan ⅰ and ⅲ in Hawthorn Maltose by High Performance Liquid Chromatography

  3. 耶稣,内心的甘饴。

    Jesus , Sweetness of the heart !

  4. 在患难时,天主的仁慈是甘饴的,有如大旱时的云雨。

    The mercy of God is beautiful in the time of affliction , as a cloud of rain in the time of drought .

  5. 但辉煌的成绩并未带来永恒的光彩,由于进口食品产品种类日益增多,及现代养生观念的讲究,使得新港饴逐渐被遗忘。

    However , new products , imported products , and the idea of health which emphasizes low salt and sugar diet made HsinKangYi ignored .

  6. 倾家荡产的人们也会开始找工作而不是含饴弄孙以享天年。

    The evisceration of their wealth may have led people to look for work rather than retire or stay at home with the children .

  7. 盐、梅、酒、饴、花椒等各种调料的运用,为烹调艺术的发展开拓了广阔空间。

    Salt , plum , liquor , maltose , Chinese prickly ash had opened up vast space for the development of the cook art .