- full;plump;flush;well-stacked

(1) [plump]∶丰满;充实
(2) [full]∶充满感情的
You seem full of beans this morning , you must have a good night 's rest .
Conclusion The HA implant through evisceroneurotomy made the eyeball full , soundly mobile , symmetrical in appearance .
What I like most about Gabby is her luscious lips !
You will be glad to hear that bill is alive and kicking .
" Some have thicker eggshells , and they 're hearty throughout the winter , " said Gracie .
I am sure you will be as fresh as a daisy after a good night 's rest .
This means that they 're being expected to start afresh at a time when they 're still burnt-out from the demands of a job whose exhausting nature was probably what prompted them to look elsewhere .
Mean pore diameter D_m . fullness coefficient ω and pore structure characteristics parameter K_p are used to describe the pore structure .
If you 've ever seen him present at industry conferences such as Web Search University , you know he has an energetic , often humorous approach that is both enlightening and entertaining .
Results Osteoblasts are full fusiform , ALP stain positive cells , while osteoclasts are multinuclear and TRAP stain positive , with the ability of forming bone lacuna ;
After 60 days the rate of the good fruit was still 78.4 % . The stored fruits still preserved Vc over 70 % . The fruits were still fresh , plump , yellow-green , juicy , crisp and tender .
Based on analysis on electric logging curve , it is proposed to identify low-resistivity layer with curve-quantified parameters , such as RAD and RAT , and this method has satisfied effect .
Because of LD-pumped all-solid-state deep blue laser have advantages , such as color more full , wavelength shorter , more photonic energy big , it is popular in many fields application .
· RESULTS : The imbedded HA artificial eye mount was stably fixed and the socket of eyeball was fully formed . The appearances of 2 eyes were basically symmetrical and the artificial eyes had certain activities .
The preparation of acrylic copolymer emulsion used for modification of aqueous polyurethane lacquer for leathers is introduced , which can improve hardness , soft tenacity and plentiful full degree of the waterborne polyurethane lacquer .
Resistant starch produces more satiety , possibly partly through the release of a different peptide ( PYY ) .
Psychologist Carmen Lefevre , of the University of St Andrews , said large eyes and full lips may make a woman appear particularly young .
The postoperative follow-up was 3 ~ 12 months . Fifteen fingers had satisfactory appearance with restoration of pain and temperature sensation and 6 ~ 8 mm in the 2-point discrimination .
The effects of CMC , gelatin and xanthan gum glue on the degree of saturation and diaphaneity of preserved pumpkin were taken as the studying objects and the experiment of reserving freshness was involved in this paper .
Impact-echo scanning was used in this thesis for interior and exterior experimental research on grouting situation in prestressed pipe and main-frequency response rules of box beam were studied .
NRA_s is higher during tillering stage , it may promote tiller , NRA_s is low from spike formation to flowering stage in favous of growth of flower and fruit , and fully filled grain .
The results indicate that different rye chromosomes have different effects on storage starch development , 4R , 6R and 7R may carry the genes for seed shrivelling and make a reduction in the seed plumpness .
On day 9 , the luminal surface was covered with a continuous endothelial monolayer and the arrangement and the shape of the cells all showed the perfect condition of endothelial cells .
JAR cells with HBV infection treated with HBIG ( 0.0001IU / ml ) were round ; boundaries between nucleus and cytoplasm was unclear , nucleus was not full ; membrane depression , pseudopodia around the cell membrane disappeared . Conclusions : 1 .
From the morphological point to analysis , The herbaceous peony " Da Fu Gui " After KT treatment , the color of flower in petals and leaves is brighter than control , the degree of ornamental is raise , flower longevity delay with 1d . 4 .
The tests showed that a full and smooth joint can be obtained with 30 mm in shoulder diameter , 10 mm in pin diameter , 1660 r / min in rotation speed and 25 mm / min in welding speed .
In the high dose group , the layout of regenerated nerve fibers was dense and well-arranged , the gastrocnemius muscle cells was well alive and neatly arranged , and the bilateral motor neurons of anterior horn was more close to each other .
The Maipo Valley gives the finesse and freshness to the wine , and Colchagua Valley gives the concentration , deepness and rounded tannins , which make our KOYLE a unique wine .
The morphology of stigma and quantity of pollens on it would change in 24 hours after pollination . Cells of stigma of Nonpareil and Monterey would keep plump for long time , and the quantity of pollens on stigma of those two cultivars are more than others .
Most of them are semi spring with good looking of maturity , white plump grains and waxy grain texture , the heights of 70 ~ 90 cm , thousand kernel weights of 30 ~ 45 g and yields up to common wheat level in wheat production .