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  1. 吴京透露,这其实源自一个真实的故事,而那位士兵的饰演者本身就是一名退伍的特种兵。

    The scene was inspired by a true story , Wu said , and the soldier is played by a retired special forces member .

  2. 故事叙述了查尔斯·福斯特·凯恩的生活和那传奇的一生,他的饰演者是威尔斯,这个角色部分是在报纸业大亨-威廉·伦道夫·赫斯特的基础之上改编而成的。

    The story examines the life and legacy of Charles Foster Kane , played by Welles , a character based in partupon the American newspaper magnate William Randolph Hearst .

  3. 爱玛·包法利夫人是情爱角色的饰演者。

    Madame Ama Bafrey played a lover role in life .

  4. 对林黛玉的饰演者蒋梦捷感觉不好啊。

    So bad feeling to Jangmengjie who played Lindaiyu .

  5. 超人的饰演者克里斯托弗?里夫,在一次骑马时发生了严重意外。

    Christopher Reeve , Superman , had a terrible accident riding a horse .

  6. 他快乐的本质使他成为哈里·波特理想的饰演者。

    He 'll be terrific as Harry Potter because of his great sense of fun .

  7. 比如,太子妃的饰演者张天爱,她男女角色切换自如。

    For instance , Zhang Tian'ai , who plays the crown princess , switches deftly between male and female personas .

  8. 邦德的饰演者丹尼尔·克雷格,这是他第三次担任这一角色,哈维尔·巴登饰演席尔瓦,电影中的反派人物。

    It features DanielCraig in his third performance as James Bond , and Javier Bardem as Raoul Silva , the film 's bad guy .

  9. 当卷福近期被问及此事时,他回答说他可能不是最合适的饰演者,饰演邦德并不是穿个西服、打个架就够了。

    When the actor was recently asked about this , he replied that he may not be the best fit for the role as it requires a lot more than wearing a suit and fighting , to play James Bond .

  10. 后来,有人发现这具骨架是从蒙古的戈壁沙漠偷来的,而这位买家则是尼古拉斯·凯奇(NicolasCage),他曾经主演过几十部影片,还曾经在一部系列大片中饰演寻宝者。

    As it turns out , the skull had been stolen from the Gobi Desert in Mongolia , and the buyer was Nicolas Cage , an actor who among his dozens of films has starred in a movie franchise about the hunt for rare treasures .

  11. 在饰演跨性别者总这一举动遭到了公众的强烈反对后,斯嘉丽·约翰逊将不在即将上映的电影《抚摸与拖曳》中扮演一个跨性别男性角色。

    Scarlett Johansson will no longer play a trans male character in the upcoming film Rub and Tug after receiving widespread backlash for the casting decision .

  12. 所以说不是我喜欢演什么,也不是因为我想饰演马基雅维利主义者的形象而专门去追求这些东西。

    So it 's not about what I prefer or that I go out and pursue these things specifically because I want to be the Machiavellian guy .

  13. 幸运的是,有一个毛发比它还要粗硬、灰白和乱蓬蓬的生物和它做朋友——由哈里森·福特饰演的淘金者。

    Luckily for him , he is befriended by the only creature in the area more gruff , grizzled and hairy than he is - a prospector played by Harrison Ford .

  14. 哈米什•林克莱特(HamishLinklater)饰演索菲的追求者;

    Hamish Linklater as her fatuous suitor ;

  15. 此外,剧中的次要角色也很给力:饰演老白妻子斯卡丽的安娜•冈和老白连襟汉克的饰演者迪恩•诺里斯,都表现出了角色的深度与复杂性。

    The two meth-cooking lead characters are well-supported by a strong cast of secondary characters . White 's wife Skyler ( Anna Gunn ) and his brother-in-law Hank ( Dean Norris ) , all have plenty of depth and complexity on their own .

  16. 斯特垆坶由肯尼斯•布拉纳饰演,他的妻子莉尤达由格里塔•斯卡奇饰演,而他母亲安娜的饰演者是珍妮特•舒兹曼。

    Shtrum is played by Kenneth Branagh , his wife Lyuda by Greta Scacchi and his mother Anna by Janet Suzman .

  17. 他只是被一个机械的剧本所困,同样有此遭遇的还有在片中饰演他妻子的凯特•贝金赛尔(KateBeckinsale)以及与他共同经历狂野冒险的另一名女子的饰演者杰西卡•贝尔(JessicaBiel)。

    He 's simply stuck within the confines of a mechanistic script , along with Kate Beckinsale , as Quaid 's wife , and Jessica Biel as the other woman in his wild adventures ; both of them work hard for their salary too .