
  1. 另外,饮菊花酒还有驱邪抗寒的效用。

    It is said that the drinkers of the chrysanthemum wine would be free from evil and have strong physique against cold weather .

  2. 将菊花与粮食共同酿造成酒,常饮菊花酒据说能够延年益寿。

    Chrysanthemums represented longevity in the past , and the wine made from chrysanthemums and certain grains was said to be able to prolong one 's life .

  3. 据说,菊花酒具有清神明目,减肥降血压,治疗胃病的功效。因此,可以饮菊花酒可以使人长寿。

    The wine is said to have wholesome effects on sharpness of the eye , alleviation of headache , drop of hypertension , reduction of weight and removal of stomach trouble , thus contributing to longevity .