
  • 网络food and drug safety
  1. 食品药品安全日益成为全球性的一件大事。

    Food and drug safety is increasingly becoming a global event .

  2. 改革和完善食品药品安全监管体制机制。

    We should reform and improve institutions and mechanisms for managing and supervising food and drug safety .

  3. 因此,食品药品安全监管已经是政府的重要职能之一。

    Therefore , the supervision and administration for food and drug has become an important function of government .

  4. 健全食品药品安全应急体系,强化快速通报和快速反应机制。

    Improve the healthy food and drug safety emergency system , strengthen the rapid notification and rapid response mechanism .

  5. 保证人民群众食品药品安全的体系会有很大改善。

    There will be an enormous improvement in the system for guaranteeing food and drug safety for the public .

  6. 社会安全形势比较严峻,矿难事故不断,食品药品安全问题频发,环境灾难事件急剧增加、危害日益凸显。

    Social security situation is relatively serious , mine accidents , food and drug safety problems , environmental disaster are increasing .

  7. 但是,王刚却成了目前中国食品药品安全丑闻最具说服力的象征之一,这些丑闻正在破坏外界对中国食品和药品的信心。

    Instead , he is one of the most potent symbols of the safety scandals that are undermining confidence in Chinese food and drugs .

  8. 一些专家表示新的食品药品安全项目暗示政府的高层领导人正准备改革和建立新的食品、药品安全强制执行机制。

    Some experts say the new food and drug safety program suggests that the nation 's top leaders are taking up the call for reforms and new enforcement measures .

  9. 这项投资计划在两年前已经开始实施,但直到昨日才公布。计划内容包括建立一个新的实验室,以及完善食品药品安全监管设施。

    The spending plan , which began two years ago but was only announced yesterday , includes a new laboratory and improved inspection facilities for monitoring food and drug safety .

  10. 秦刚说,我们相信这样的安排(派遣质量监督官员到对方国家)将改进食品药品安全问题的合作和交流。

    " We believe such arrangements ( sending quality control officials to each other 's country ) will improve cooperation and communication in food and drug safety issues ," Qin said .

  11. 健全食品药品安全应急管理体制本质是要求政府加强社会管理和公共服务功能,实现政府及公共部门由管制型向服务型的深刻转变。

    Improve the food and drug safety system of the nature of emergency management is to ask the Government to strengthen social management and public service functions of government and public sector from a regulatory model to a service-oriented profound transformation .

  12. 近来食品药品安全事件的频频发生,广大消费者和相关企业对食品和药品的安全和质量提出了更高的要求,因此用于对食品药品真伪、质量检测的分析仪器的市场需求激增。

    As food and drug safety incidents occurred frequently , consumers and related businesses of food and drug set higher demands on safety and quality . The instruments for the authenticity and quality testing of the food and drug surge in demand .

  13. 住房、食品药品安全、医疗、养老、教育、收入分配、征地拆迁、社会治安等方面群众不满意的问题依然较多,生产安全重特大事故时有发生。

    There are still many problems which people are unhappy about in housing , food and drug safety , medical services , old-age services , education , income distribution , land expropriation and resettlement , and public order . Serious and major industrial accidents occur frequently .

  14. 近年来,我国水灾、干旱、疫情、雪灾、地震等自然灾害发生频繁,人为导致的火灾、矿难、食品药品安全等重大事故也接连不断。

    In recent years , kinds of natural disasters like flood , drought , epidemic , snow disaster and earthquake have struck our country frequently . And fearful accident caused by man such as fire hazard , mining mishap and food and drug safety incidents occurred one after another .

  15. 因此,在现阶段研究政府如何履行好食品药品安全监管职能,以确保人们群众的饮食用药安全,就显得非常重要。

    Food and drug safety accident still occurred frequently . Therefore , in the present , it appears so important that our government should to study how to fulfill the functions of supervision and administration for good food and drug safety , to ensure the safety of food and drug .

  16. 莱维特部长访问中国,讨论食品和药品安全问题。

    Secretary Leavitt is in China to discuss food and drug safety .

  17. 加强食品、药品安全专项整治。

    We intensified special campaigns for food and drug safety .

  18. 闾丘谈的食品以及药品安全问题,是关乎到人民生命安全的大事。

    The questions of food and medicine safety that Rose mentions is a major incident relating to people 's life safety .

  19. 相对集中执法权,加强食品药品、安全生产、环境保护等重点领域基层执法力量。

    Centralize administrative powers and allocate more law enforcement resources in key areas , including food production , medicine production and environmental protection .

  20. 中国牙膏引起的争议是今年数起类似事件中的一起,这些事件已经引发了各国对中国食品和药品安全的质疑。

    The controversy over Chinese toothpaste is one of several this year that have called into question the safety of food and drugs .

  21. 强化食品药品质量安全监管,妥善处置“问题奶粉”等公共安全事件。

    Strengthen the quality of food and drug safety supervision , and properly dispose of " problem milk powder " and other public safety incidents .

  22. 启动实施扩大乙肝疫苗接种等重大公共卫生服务专项。加强食品、药品安全专项整治。

    We launched major public health service projects , including one to increase vaccinations against hepatitis B. We intensified special campaigns for food and drug safety .

  23. 湖州公安局食品和药品安全部门表示,摄入过量的铝可能会导致骨骼和神经的损伤,对记忆力也有一定的危害。

    The food and drug safety branch of Huzhou police said too much aluminium could result in bone and nerve damage , and potentially harm memory .

  24. 这是中国一连串食品和药品安全丑闻的最新一例,中国的父母往往从海外进口婴幼儿产品,以保证质量。

    This is the latest in a string of food and drug safety scandals in a country where parents often import products for infants and babies from overseas to ensure quality .

  25. 一些食品、药品安全方面的专家这几年一直在抱怨是由于制度的缺陷导致市场上出现许多因伪劣食品、药品造成中毒的事件。

    Food and drug safety experts have complained for years about a flawed system that has led to food scares or mass poisonings tied to counterfeit or substandard medicines on the market .

  26. 这些食害、药害事件直接威胁到了公民的日常饮食、用药安全,使不少民众谈食色变、谈药色变,甚至丧失了对食品、药品安全的基本社会信赖。

    These accidents have become a serious threat to the citizens ' daily diet . In this case , many people lost their basic social trust about the safety of food and drug .

  27. 数百名中国官员将因为他们在疫苗丑闻中的角色而受到撤职、降级等处分。这场丑闻加剧了中国公众对食品和药品安全监管不到位(尤其是涉及儿童的食品和药品)的不满。

    Hundreds of Chinese officials are to be sacked or demoted for their part in a vaccine scandal that has added to discontent at poor oversight of food and drug safety , especially relating to children .

  28. 其它的食品安全、药品安全、生产安全、环境安全、生活安全等方面都存在着很多相同的原因。

    Similarly , other safety including food safety , medicine safety , production safety , environment safety and life safety are mainly caused by contrived factors as well .

  29. 重组食品药品监管机构,深入开展食品药品安全专项整治,对婴幼儿奶粉质量按照药品管理办法严格监管,努力让人民吃得放心、用得安心。

    We merged food and drug oversight agencies , carried out a campaign to improve food and drug safety , exercised strict oversight over the quality of infant formula in accordance with drug supervision regulations , and strove to ensure that people have access to safe food and drugs .