
  • Aircraft tires;【化】aeroplane tyre
  1. 1,2&聚丁二烯橡胶在飞机轮胎胎面胶上的应用

    Application of 1,2 & Polybutadiene Rubber to Tread of Aeroplane Tire

  2. 飞机轮胎自动充放气控制系统设计

    Design of Automatic Inflation / Deflation Control System for Aircraft Tire

  3. 甚至中国的飞机轮胎销售商也是国有的。

    Even the Chinese sellers of aircraft tyres were state-owned .

  4. 自动飞机轮胎仓库机械系统的设计方法

    The Design Method of The Mechanical System in Automatic Storehouse for Aircraft Tires

  5. 由于飞机轮胎磨损快,要求经常更换。

    The wear-out of plane tyres is serious and should be replaced periodically .

  6. 基于神经网络的飞机轮胎与跑道间结合系数的研究

    Research On Tire-Runway Adhesion Coefficient Based on Neural Network

  7. 液压式飞机轮胎分解/装配机地质钻塔拆装机及机装可逆式钻塔

    Machine for Geologic Drill Derrick Dismantling and Assembling and Drill Derrick with Mechanically Reversible Assembling

  8. 飞机轮胎与跑道间结合系数模型的研究

    Determination of Tire-Runway Friction Coefficient

  9. 然而,高质量的汽车、卡车及飞机轮胎仍需含40%甚至更多天然橡胶。

    But high - quality tires for cars , trucks and aircraft still must contain 40 percent or more natural rubber .

  10. 仿真结果表明,这里所建立的神经网络飞机轮胎力学模型符合飞行仿真系统的要求。

    The results of the simulation shows that the neural network model established here could meet the requirements of the flight simulation systems .

  11. 这里所建立的神经网络飞机轮胎力学模型应用简单,具有很强的预测能力和很好的非线性逼近能力。

    The neural network model established in this article is simple to be used , and has a good ability to predict and to nonlinearly approximate .

  12. 不管怎么扔,这款铁蒺藜轮胎刺都能用向上的一面扎破汽车或飞机的轮胎。

    No matter how the caltrop tire spike was tossed on a roadway or airport runway , it would land with a tire-puncturing prong facing upward .

  13. 它是一个真正的讽刺相信日常对象,如文件飞机的轮胎,或该船实际上并不存在,这是一个预期。

    It is a true irony to believe that the everyday object such as the paper airplanes , the tires , or the boat is not actually there and it is a demonstrative repeal of the expected .

  14. 专家说,当这架飞机的轮胎或者尾翼撞入防波堤并且机身开始后解体时,它本应在距离机场地面大概100英尺或者150英尺的高度上飞行。

    The aircraft should have been flying roughly 100 or 150 feet above the airport 's surface when its tires or tail apparently smacked into a stretch of the sea wall and the jet began breaking apart , experts said .

  15. 我们丢了一个被驱逐出境的蒙古人,有架飞机的一个轮胎漏了气,有两个酒鬼必须处理,还有些行李包不见了。

    We lost a Mongolian deportee , we had a flat tyre on an aircraft , we had two drunks to deal with and some bags went missing .

  16. 为了提高飞机的刹车性能,本文通过研究结合系数的影响因素,通过对飞机轮胎与地面结合系数以及滑移率的关系进行了分析研究。

    To improve performance of the brake , aiming at model , the range and effects on the curves shapes is discussed and the ground adhesion coefficient-slip relation is analysed and researched .