
  • 网络Taken
  1. 《飓风营救3》制片厂并没有发布没有了连姆的加盟,他们会不会继续拍摄电影续集。

    The studio working on Taken 3 has not announced whether they intend to continue the film franchise in any way , though it could be done without Neeson .

  2. 根据奥斯卡获奖演员福里斯特·惠特克所述,观众们会被沉默的英雄所吸引,而且连姆在他的系列电影中确实出演了这样的人,尤其是《飓风营救》中。

    According to Oscar-winning actor , Forest Whitaker , the audience is attracted to the quiet heroes , and Liam offers that in spades with his films , especially the Taken franchise .

  3. 连姆·尼森会在即将上映的动作大片《飓风营救3》中继续扮演退休CIA特工布莱恩·米尔斯。

    Liam Neeson will once more reprise his role as retired CIA agent Brian Mills in the upcoming action film , Taken 3 .

  4. 新闻集团(NewsCorp.)旗下二十世纪福克斯公司(TwentiethCenturyFox)发行的《飓风营救2》获得了400万美元的票房,该片美国国内累计票房因此达到1.313亿美元。

    And ' Taken 2 , ' from News Corp. 's Twentieth Century Fox , brought in $ 4 million . The film 's cumulative domestic grosses now stand at $ 131.3 million .

  5. 然而,惠特克说,两位的战争可能要延迟到《飓风营救4》中才能呈现了。

    However , Whitaker said a fight between the two would have to wait until Taken 4 .

  6. 惠特克在《飓风营救3》中会出演一个角色,但是在电影中两位名声狼藉的演员不会有肉搏战。

    Whitaker will have a role in Taken 3 , but the two infamous actors wont be battling head-to-head within said movie .

  7. 《飓风营救3》由奥利维尔·米加顿导演,合作演员有玛姬·格蕾斯、法米克·詹森和多格雷·斯科特。

    Taken 3 is being directed by Olivier Megaton , and will co-star Maggie Grace , Famke Janssen , and Dougray Scott .

  8. 不过,他接拍了复仇惊悚片《英伦对决》,向连姆?尼森的《飓风营救》系列发起了挑战。

    But he is venturing into the revenge-thriller territory most recently occupied by Liam Neeson in the Taken franchise , with The Foreigner .

  9. 连姆对于继续出演《飓风营救4》的米尔斯一角表示兴趣缺缺,不过也因如此,惠特克在这个时候就要抢先一步了。

    Neeson shows no interest in reprising the role of Mills for a Taken 4 , however , so Whitaker may just be jumping ahead of himself at this point .

  10. 我想我们要在这里,在过去的一天内,是自从卡特里娜飓风以来直升机营救美国民众最多的一次。

    I think what we have going on here , in the last 24 hours , is the greatest number of Americans rescued by a helicopter since Hurricane Katrina .