- 网络Taken

The studio working on Taken 3 has not announced whether they intend to continue the film franchise in any way , though it could be done without Neeson .
According to Oscar-winning actor , Forest Whitaker , the audience is attracted to the quiet heroes , and Liam offers that in spades with his films , especially the Taken franchise .
Liam Neeson will once more reprise his role as retired CIA agent Brian Mills in the upcoming action film , Taken 3 .
And ' Taken 2 , ' from News Corp. 's Twentieth Century Fox , brought in $ 4 million . The film 's cumulative domestic grosses now stand at $ 131.3 million .
However , Whitaker said a fight between the two would have to wait until Taken 4 .
Whitaker will have a role in Taken 3 , but the two infamous actors wont be battling head-to-head within said movie .
Taken 3 is being directed by Olivier Megaton , and will co-star Maggie Grace , Famke Janssen , and Dougray Scott .
But he is venturing into the revenge-thriller territory most recently occupied by Liam Neeson in the Taken franchise , with The Foreigner .
Neeson shows no interest in reprising the role of Mills for a Taken 4 , however , so Whitaker may just be jumping ahead of himself at this point .
I think what we have going on here , in the last 24 hours , is the greatest number of Americans rescued by a helicopter since Hurricane Katrina .