
  1. 本文试图通过构造基于综合模糊评价的企业金融风险管理评价模型,为我国企业提供一个简单实用的评价工具。

    This text attempts through setting up enterprise 's financial risk management based on comprehensive fuzzy appraisal model , offer a simple and practical appraisal tool for enterprise of our country .

  2. 中国企业国际化金融风险管理能力评价

    Appraisal of Chinese Enterprise 's Managerial Ability of Internationalized Financial Risks

  3. 高等教育投资风险预警管理评价方法研究

    Study of the Evaluation Approaches of Risk Early-warning for Higher Education Investment

  4. 商业银行信贷风险管理总评价指标的设置

    Set up General Evaluation Targets of Management of Credit Risk in Financial Bank

  5. 运用区间数概率分布方法的风险投资管理评价

    Research on Probability Distribution Method of Interval Number for Management Evaluation of Venture Capital

  6. 基于广义随机占优的风险管理水平评价方法

    A Way to Evaluate the Ability of Financial Risk Management Based on Generalized Stochastic Dominance

  7. 为金融租赁公司进行风险管理和评价提供了有效的参考。

    The risk evaluation index system provides effective reference for risk management and evaluation of a financial leasing company .

  8. 震后,多数学者集中于震源机制、灾害形成机理或灾害风险管理与评价方面的研究,对斜坡的动力响应特性研究甚少。

    After the earthquake , most researchers oriented their work on source mechanism , hazard formation mechanism , or hazard risk management and assessment , however , research on seismic slope response was limited .

  9. 文章探讨了审计工作内部控制的内涵与环境、内部控制与风险管理的评价与操作标准,阐述了提高审计工作效率和审计业务质量的见解。

    This paper is intended to explore the implication , environment of internal control audit , and assessment and operating criteria for risk management and internal control . Views on efficiency and quality of audit are also expressed .

  10. 我国在工程项目的质量风险管理及评价方面仍然未建立起比较完整的评价指标体系,工程质量风险评价缺乏准确的原始数据和实证调研。

    Important project , quality first , at present , our country still has not set up a comprehensive evaluation index system in the quality of the project risk management and assessment , and we are lack of accurate risk evaluation of the original data and empirical research .

  11. 人性化管理用于护理风险管理的效果评价

    Evaluation on effect of applying humanistic management in nursing risk management

  12. 物流金融风险管理体系及评价方法研究

    The Evaluating Index and Risk Management System of Logistics Finance

  13. 项目风险管理层次分析评价方法研究

    Study on the analytic hierarchy process evaluation method of project risk management

  14. 项目风险管理优先度评价研究

    Research on Appraising the Managing Priority of Risk

  15. 最后本文还简要介绍了一种风险管理的绩效评价方法&挣值法。

    Finally , this article uses the value law for the risk achievements appraisal .

  16. 网上拍卖竞买方个人信用风险管理理论与评价模型

    Research on Management Theories and Evaluation Model for Personal Credit Risk of Purchaser On-Line Auction in Internet

  17. 再次,本论文又给出了评价银行IT审计项目风险管理的定量评价模型。

    The theory lays the foundation for assessment of the IT audit project risk management . Again , the papers also give an quantitative evaluation model of the IT audit project risk management .

  18. 战略管理会计适应了战略管理的需要,在我国主要应用于预算管理、成本管理、投资管理、人力资源管理、风险管理、绩效评价。

    The strategical management accounting , which fits in with the requirement of the strategical management , mainly used in the budget management , cost management , investment management , human resource management , risk management , and performance evaluation .

  19. 商业银行信贷风险管理内部审计的评价体系研究

    Research on the Performance Measurement System for Internal Auditing of Credit Risk Management

  20. 最后运用挣值法对风险管理绩效进行了评价。

    In the end of the thesis , using the method of earned value to appraise the performance of risk management .

  21. 对支持利率风险管理的利率期权评价模型进行比较分析。

    The object of this article is to investigate the question of which interest rate options valuation models are better suited to support the management of interest rate risk .

  22. 财务管理内容创新有:财务管理理论创新,财务管理方法创新,人力资源管理创新,风险管理创新,财务评价指标体系创新。

    The contents of innovation of financial management are innovation of financial management theory , financial management method , human resources management , risk management and financial appraisal index system .

  23. 按照商业银行核心能力与风险管理的研究综述评价指标测度关联模型作用机理策略建议的主线开展研究工作。

    Accordance with the main line to carry out research work , that : the research summary of commercial bank core competence and risk management - Evaluation index Measure - correlation model - the action mechanism - strategic proposals .

  24. 首先对国内外风险管理与投资风险评价研究现状进行分析,然后简要论述了风险管理系统与风险分析过程,以及投资风险管理与评价的应用。

    First of all domestic and international risk management and investment risk evaluation of the status quo analysis , and then briefly discussed the risk management systems and risk analysis process , as well as investment risk management and evaluation of the application .

  25. 一个完整的风险管理系统应包括风险识别模块、风险估测模块、风险评价模块、风险控制模块和风险管理的评价模块。

    An integrated risk management system should include risk distinguishing , risk estimating , risk evaluation , risk controlling and risk managing modules .

  26. 最后,运用案例的形式展现了整个技术风险管理的全过程,同时验证了开发项目风险管理框架、风险评价和风险调整模型的有效性。

    Finally , the whole process of technical risk management is shown by the case , and the risk management system and the risk adjustment model are verified .

  27. 本文认为,一个完善的企业年金基金市场化运作的风险管理体系应该包括风险管理的目标、风险管理技术和风险管理的效果评价三部分。

    An integrated risk management system of the market-based operation of occupational pension includes appraise three parts : the goal of risk management , the results of risk administrative skill and the appraisal of risk management system .

  28. 作为各种水质模式的衍生公式,可广泛应用于风险工程设计、风险工程保险、环境风险评价、环境风险管理、环境影响评价与环境规划各个领域。

    As the derived formula of water quality models , which could be applied broadly to Risk Engineering Design , Risk Engineering Insurance , Environmental Risk Assessment , Environmental Risk Management , Environmental Impact Assessment , Environmental Planning etc.

  29. 通过分析产品FMEA风险评价技术,依照项目管理的特点和要求,得出项目风险管理FMEA的风险评价方法,构建出项目风险管理FMEA的模式。

    Through the analysis of risk estimation technology for product FMEA , according to the characteristics and requirements of Project Management , this thesis educes Risk Estimation method of Project Risk Management FMEA , and forms the mode of Project Risk Management FMEA .

  30. 针对IT审计的四个阶段,明确了各个阶段的控制目标、主要风险、应有的风险应对措施以及测试方法,为对银行IT审计项目风险管理状况的评价奠定了基础。

    The theory defines the control objectives , principal risks , the proper response to risk , as well as testing methods for the IT audit project processes .