
  • 网络landscape architecture;landscape garden;scenery gardening
  1. 风景园林(LandscapeArchitecture)从造园术、造园艺术、风景造园&到风景园林、地球表层规划

    Landscape Architecture from Garden Craft 、 Garden Art 、 Landscape Gardening & to Landscape Architecture 、 Earthscape Planning

  2. 论基于KAQP人才培养模式的风景园林本科教育专业教学目标体系的建构

    Research on the Professional Teaching Objective System of Landscape Architecture Undergraduate Education Based on " KAQP " Mode

  3. 北京林业大学风景园林专业园林树木学B课程教学改革初探

    Preliminary Practice on Reform of Landscape Dendrology B in Major of Landscape Architecture , Beijing Forestry University

  4. 关于申请以风景园林(LandscapeArchitecture)学科统一规范国内相关专业并作为工学类一级学科的报告

    Report on Applying for Having Landscape Architecture Standardize the Related Domestic Majors and Making It as the First Level Engineering Discipline

  5. 且听自然的呼唤&风景园林师眼中的IGA

    Summons of the Nature & IGA in the Memory of Landscape Architects

  6. 传统的风景园林规划方法存在着许多不足,而GIS在景观分析与规划方面的应用取得了很好的效果,尤其是三维GIS的应用前景比较广阔。

    There are many deficiencies in conventional landscape planning approaches . Application of GIS for landscape analysis and planning has helped resolve many problems .

  7. 关于要求恢复风景园林规划与设计学科并将该学科正名为风景园林(LandscapeArchitecture)学科作为国家工学类一级学科的报告

    Report on Restoring the Landscape Architecture Planning and Design Discipline and Naming It and the Discipline of Landscape Architecture and Making It as the First Level Engineering Discipline

  8. VISUALSTUDIO.NETEnterpriseArchitects中基于Visio的数据库建模2006国际风景园林师联合会(IFLA)东区会议侧记

    Database Modeling Based on Visio in the Visual Studio . NET Enterprise Architects Sidelights on the International Federation of Landscape Architects Eastern Region Conference 2006

  9. 2006国际风景园林师联合会(IFLA)东区会议侧记

    Sidelights on the International Federation of Landscape Architects Eastern Region Conference 2006

  10. 关于参加国际风景园林师联合会(IFLA)国际学生设计竞赛的通知

    Notice on Participating in the IFLA International Student Design Competition

  11. 北京地区大学校园植物配置初探&以首都师范大学良乡新校区园林规划设计方案为例北京林业大学风景园林专业园林树木学B课程教学改革初探

    Plant Arrangements for University Campus Greening in Beijing : A Case Study on the Landscape Planning and Design Program of Capital Normal University Liangxiang Campus Preliminary Practice on Reform of Landscape Dendrology B in Major of Landscape Architecture , Beijing Forestry University

  12. 当代美国风景园林师协会(ASLA)奖对美国风景园林发展的影响

    The Influence of ASLA Awards on Contemporary American Landscape Architecture

  13. 蓝色星球的绿色解决方案&记国际风景园林师联合会(IFLA)世界理事会会议及第43届世界大会

    Green Solutions for a Blue Planet & IFLA World Council Meeting and 43 ~ ( rd ) World Congress

  14. 建筑和景观设计部的领导到风景园林学士学位(BLA)的研究提供了一个经认可的五年课程。

    The Department of Architecture and Landscape Architecture offers an accredited five-year course of study leading to a Bachelor of Landscape Architecture ( BLA ) .

  15. 国际风景园林师联合会(IFLA)主席戴安妮·孟斯给中国风景园林学会及《中国园林》学刊的新年贺词

    New Year Message of Dr. Diane Menzies , President of IFLA , to the Chinese Society of Landscape Architecture and Journal of Chinese Landscape Architecture

  16. 介绍了在英国爱丁堡第42届IFLA国际风景园林大学生设计竞赛获得大奖作品的创作过程和设计内容。

    The creating process and design contents of the First Prize plan in the 42nd IFLA International Landscape Architecture Student Design Competition held in Edinburgh of UK are introduced in this paper .

  17. Biotope原意为动植物的生存场所,结合其在各国风景园林行业中的运用,将其定义为生物生境。

    Biotope , whose original intention is the survival place of animals and plants , is defined by the author as the biological habitat by combining the application of landscape architecture in various countries .

  18. 分析不同时期ASLA评奖标准的嬗变,阐述其对美国风景园林发展所起的积极作用,为转型发展中的中国风景园林带来启示和借鉴。

    Three different trends in setting the criteria of ASLA Awards in different times are introduced first and then their active influences are analyzed to find out the reasons for its success in order to provide inspiration and reference for the development of Chinese landscape architecture .

  19. 风景园林学的社会认知与传播途径研究

    The Studies on Social Cognizance and Transmitting Approaches of Landscape Architecture

  20. 浅论20世纪法国现代风景园林

    Preliminary Exploration Modern Landscape Architecture in France in the 20th Century

  21. 2005中外著名风景园林专家学术报告会综述

    Summary of 2005 Chinese and Overseas Famous Landscape Architectural Experts Forum

  22. 奥姆斯特德的规划理念&对公园设计和风景园林规划的超越

    Planning Ideals of Olmsted & Beyond Park Design and Landscape Design

  23. 探讨风景园林景观概念以及相关研究

    Explore " Landscape " Concept As Well As Related Research Question

  24. 现代风景园林的性质及其专业教育导向

    The Properties of Modern Landscape Architecture and Orientation of Professional Education

  25. 联合与协作&风景园林专业本科教学改革之构想

    Joint and Collaboration & an Idea of Landscape Architecture Teaching Reform

  26. 传统的宗教活动每年多在风景园林中进行。

    Traditional religious activities are usually held in these gardens annually .

  27. 现代风景园林设计越来越科学化、人性化,其核心就是引入了生态科学的系统思想和方法。

    Modern landscape architecture becomes more and more scientific and human .

  28. 对我国风景园林学科建设与发展问题的思考

    Thinking on the Building and Development of Chinese Landscape Architecture Discipline

  29. 论风景园林设计平面构成的拓扑性质

    On the topological property of plane construction of landscape architecture design

  30. 农业类院校风景园林专业的困境与思考

    Difficulties and Solutions to the Landscape Architecture Education in Agriculture Colleges