
fēng dù
  • manner;grace;demeanor;way;bearing;demeanour;deportment;mien;pizzazz
风度 [fēng dù]
  • [demeanor;bearing] 美好的举止、姿态或气度

  • 有风度的人

  • 风度大方

风度[fēng dù]
  1. 他始终保持着专业人才的风度。

    He maintained a professional demeanour throughout .

  2. 优秀篮球裁判员的临场风度、能力及其培养

    Training of an Excellent Basketball Official in Live Demeanour and Ability

  3. 他成了颇有风度的绅士了。

    He 'd become quite the little gentleman .

  4. 他赢得了冠军,尽显大将风度。

    He won the championship in great style .

  5. 他在重压之下依然开朗迷人,风度优雅。

    He was charming , cheerful , and graceful under pressure .

  6. 她依然仪态优雅,不失风度。

    She had not lost her grace and style .

  7. 玛丽好像陶醉在他那旧式的骑士风度里。

    Marie seemed to revel in his old-fashioned chivalry .

  8. 他为人谦和而且有绅士风度,认识他的人都很尊重他。

    He was respected by all who knew him for his kind and gentlemanly consideration .

  9. 两人行事都讲究风度。

    Both love doing things in style

  10. 他始终保持绅士风度,没有拔脚就跑,只是试图移步走开。

    A gentleman to the last , he did not run , but merely attempted to stroll away

  11. 他场上场下都是一个样——极具风度。

    He 's got the same style off the pitch as he has on it — sheer class .

  12. “干得好,卡桑德拉。”克鲁克说。她脸一下子红了,但还是很有风度地接受了恭维。

    ' Well done , Cassandra , ' Crook said . She blushed , but accepted the compliment with good grace .

  13. 这位演讲者风度老练,从容不迫。

    The speaker was an experienced man , composed and steady .

  14. 他真还有点大将风度。

    He has , indeed , the way of great generals .

  15. 她风度迷人。

    There is a charm about her manner .

  16. 他的风度迷人。

    There is a charm about his manner .

  17. 小姐们走出房间的时候,风度的潇洒真有勾魂慑魄的力量。

    The ladies retired , with the most killing grace .

  18. 她是一个有修养、有风度的女人。

    She is a woman of culture and taste .

  19. 他有一种学者风度。

    He has the air of a scholar .

  20. 她的风度举止、遣词用字总是无可挑剔。

    Her carriage and diction were always faultless .

  21. 现在的男人已经没有什么骑士风度了。

    Men are so little chivalrous now .

  22. 塞巴斯蒂安在无路可走的时候选择了一扇开着的窗户,这样做带有一种疯狂和可爱的有条不紊的风度。

    There was also a kind of insane and endearing orderliness about sebastian 's choice , in his extremity , of an open window .

  23. 她穿一件金色的长服,露出丰满的颈子和双肩,肤色柔和而苍白,使她的风度特别迷人。

    And the full , soft pallor of her neck and shoulders , above a gold-coloured frock , gave to her personality an alluring strangeness .

  24. 我只是想向普通读者展示一位著名作家的良好风度。

    I just wanted to show a well-known writer 's good manners to the common readers .

  25. 斯帕尔看不上机构重叠和清规戒律,表现出美国人的机敏,有着独立、首创精神和企业家的风度。

    Spawr indeed personified American ingenuity , self-reliance , initiative and entrepreneurship .

  26. 身着骑士装,令您具有骑士风度。

    If you wear knight costumes , you will certainly have a knightly manner .

  27. 她很有风度地接受了我的道歉。

    She graciously accepted my apology .

  28. 他那男子气的美和出众的优雅风度马上成了大家赞扬的话题

    His manly beauty and more than common gracefulness were instantly the theme of general admiration .

  29. 从前,国王都相信他们是天神的儿子,或至少如此自以为是,而且多少还带着点他们父亲天神的风度

    They fear the ear that hears their orders , and the eye that scrutinizes their actions .

  30. 宋朝、明朝时期,儒学成了一种时髦,很多人都争着模仿儒学家的风度。

    During the Song and Ming Dynasties , Confucian morality became fashionable . Many people vied with one another to imitate the poise1 of a moralist .