
  • 网络pigment ink
  1. 不要使用激光打印机和颜料墨水的喷墨打印机操作。

    Do not operate with the laser printer and pigment ink .

  2. 前言:本文阐明了国外喷墨打印墨水的主要技术创新点,重点介绍了爱普生“世纪虹彩”亮光颜料墨水的技术特性。

    This paper presents an outline of main technical progresses of overseas inkjet printing ink , mainly introducing the technical specifications of Epson " century rainbow " bright pigment ink .

  3. 采用自制阳离子季铵盐预处理剂对涤纶织物进行预处理,以提高涤纶织物颜料墨水喷墨印花时的防渗化性能。

    The high molecular dispersing agent can make pigment ink featured low viscosity , so as to suit the piezoelectric nozzle head for jet printing .

  4. 普通的银盐彩色照片可以保存30年以上,而喷墨打印照片,不管是用染料墨水,或是颜料墨水,一般只能保存半年到一年。

    Normal silver salts salts color photos can be kept for more than 30 years whereas inkjet printed photos can be only kept for half to one year , no matter they are printed with dye ink or pigment ink .

  5. 中粘度凝胶状水性颜料型墨水的研究

    Study on water - soluble gel inks

  6. 颜料型墨水性能优异,是喷墨印花墨水发展的主流,但其分散的不稳定性制约了数字喷墨印花技术的发展。

    Pigment ink is superior to dye ink in many properties , but the poor dispersing stability makes it difficult to be used .

  7. 通过对涤纶织物进行吸湿和改性预处理,然后用实验室自制的颜料型墨水喷墨印花,结果表明,经处理后的涤纶织物图案清晰、得色深度有所提高,摩擦牢度和水洗牢度良好。

    After hygroscopic treatment and modification , the polyester fabric is printed with self-made pigment-based ink and features enhanced color yield , excellent sharpness , good rubbing and washing fastness .

  8. 纳米颜料喷印墨水的制备及性能研究

    Preparation and Investigation on the Properties of Nano Pigment Spraying Print Ink

  9. 油性颜料型彩色喷墨墨水的性能研究

    Research on Property of Oil-based Color Ink Jet Ink

  10. 它被作为一个基地为湖色素使用,使用作为一个惰性颜料为油漆,墨水和脂粉以及在一个大应用范围在塑料行业。

    It is used as a base for lake pigment and used as a inert pigment for paint , ink and cosmetics as well as in a large range of applications in plastic industry .

  11. 分析了颜料分散与中性墨水稳定性的关系,论述了中性墨水的稳定机理,并研究出一套可在短时间内准确有效地评价中性墨水稳定性的实验方法。

    This paper analyzes the connection between dye decentralization and stability of gel ink , expounds the stability mechanism of gel ink , plus , it excogitate an experiment methods which could accurately evaluate the stability of gel ink at short notice .

  12. 有机颜料与无机颜料电子墨水稳定性研究

    The Stability of Electrophoretic Suspension With Organic pigment or Inorganic Pigment

  13. 术语印刷(或颜料)初选,是指这些补充的光线初选的彩色用于混合所有可能的印刷油墨颜料墨水。

    The term print ( or pigment ) primaries refers to the fact that these complements to the light primaries are the colored inks used to mix all possible print ink pigments .