
  • 网络Yan Zhitui;Yen Chih-Tui
  1. 古代学者颜之推的类书编撰及文化学术传播活动

    Books Compilation and Culture Dissemination of the Ancient Scholar-Yan Zhi-tui

  2. 颜之推家庭教育内容论探析

    On YAN Zhi-tui 's Family Content of Education

  3. 正是由于颜之推等人的努力,音韵学在这一时期成熟起来,并成为以后1000多年中国传统语言学的主流之一。

    This made phonology become mature and become one of the main stream of Chinese linguistics in latter 1000 year .

  4. 颜之推则对汉代以来“唯德是用”的人才观提出了异议,并强调后天学习对人自身发展的巨大作用。

    Yan challenges the " morality-oriented " outlook on talented people and stresses the enormous influence of learning upon a man 's development .

  5. 本文从佛教的诸行无常、缘起性空和因缘果报、业感轮回三个方面论述了颜之推对佛教义理的吸收。

    Yan Zhitui 's understanding of Buddhism is anylized from three aspects of impermanence , the origin and fate of the empty spirit , and transmigration .

  6. 本文试图结合文体特征、时代背景、家学传统以及颜之推的身世行藏,对《家训》思想的渊源、成因进行考辩。

    According to its stylistic feature , background information , family tradition and Yan Zhitui 's personal experience , this paper tries to analyze the origin of its thoughts .

  7. 此书针对立身、为官、处世等各个方面,比较全面地展示了颜之推饱经乱世忧患的人生经验和思想性格,反映了他贵生保身的人生态度。

    Yan 's experience of life and ideological character with full hardships during the troubled times and reflect his philosophy of life on high value of life and play safe .

  8. 第二章人性论的落脚点在教育引导,如何教育引导,要教育引导成什么样的人,颜之推的人生修养论回答的正是这一问题。

    Yan Zhitui ' human nature theory set foot on education and guidance while his person cultivation theory answered the questions that what one ought to do and how one should do .

  9. 笔者从教育行为论角度出发,较为系统的介绍了颜之推对家庭教育的一些真知灼见,以期对当代家庭教育有一定的启示作用和参考价值。

    From the education behavioral point of view the writer introduces systematically some of Yan 's brilliant exposition about family education , expecting that the paper can enlighten and serve as reference for the current family education .