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pín pín
  • again and again;repeatedly;frequently
频频 [pín pín]
  • [frequently] --用在动词前面,表示动作或情况在一定时间或范围内重复出现,相当于屡次、连续多次

  • 频频举杯

频频[pín pín]
  1. 为什么与中国毗邻的日本,其也处于东方却频频获奖呢?

    Why Japan adjoined with China , is it in the east too but obtain the award again and again ?

  2. 突发环境事件在我国频频发生,且有愈演愈烈之趋势。

    The abrupt environment affairs takes place again and again in our country , and has desire to play strong trend of desire .

  3. 整个活动中双方频频指责对方粗野。

    The campaign has abounded in mutual accusations of uncivilised behaviour

  4. 他的数学老师频频在课上羞辱他。

    His teacher continually humiliates him in maths lessons .

  5. 上四年级时,他频频旷课。

    In his fourth year he was truanting regularly .

  6. 他们接受了另外一家频频换人的公司的聘用。

    They have accepted an offer from another firm with a busy revolving door .

  7. 最近,总统一时兴起频频解雇旧部长,选任新部长。

    Lately , the president has been sacking and picking new ministers at whim .

  8. 所有候选人都在电视和报刊上频频亮相。

    All the candidates have been getting an enormous amount of exposure on television and in the press .

  9. 比例代表制使得少数党在议会中频频拥有举足轻重的地位。

    The system of proportional representation has led to the minority parties continually holding the balance of power in the parliament .

  10. 这段海岸地区频频遭遇暴风雨天气。

    Rainstorms are frequent on this part of the coast .

  11. 那个电视剧中插入的广告太多了,频频被打断。

    The TV play was interrupted by too many commercials .

  12. 频频的闪电吓坏了孩子。

    The continual flashes of lightning scared the child .

  13. 席间宾主频频举杯。

    Host and guests frequently raised their glasses during the feast .

  14. 从你眼里频频掷来的刺激,使我痛苦永远新鲜。

    Constant from your eyes keep my pain fresh forever .

  15. 他们对声音的反应也更强烈,这有助于解释为什么他们的睡眠频频被打断。

    They also reacted more strongly to sounds , which could help explain their interrupted sleep patterns .

  16. 尽管屡次被驳斥,但还是频频出现,这样的假话就是“僵尸谎言”。

    Zombie lie is a false statement that keeps getting repeated no matter how often it has been refuted1 .

  17. 《好莱坞报道》的博伊德·凡·霍也基称赞道:“这个故事让人频频感到尴尬,看起来也有点心痛,但是对青少年的描绘手法是如此诚恳真挚,这在中年导演拍出的青少年电影中是很少见的。”

    Boyd van Hoeij of The Hollywood Reporter praises " a story that 's frequently awkward and a little painful to watch but also sincere and truthful18 about adolescence in a way seldom seen in films about teenagers made by middle-aged19 directors " .

  18. H5N1的形势变化频频成为头条新闻。

    Changes in the H5N1 situation frequently made the headlines .

  19. 实际上目前还没有Google操作系统这样的东西&但尽管如此,这也是最为被频频论及的网络产品之一。

    There 's no such thing as the GoogleOS in reality-but despite that , it is one of the most talked about Web products .

  20. 随着Internet广泛深入的运用,网络系统安全事件频频发生,其造成的经济损失越来越惨重、政治影响越来越严重。

    Along with the extensive thorough usage of Internet , the secure events of the network takes place frequently which it lead to the economy losing more and more heavy and the political influence more and more serious .

  21. 半透明化的菜单频频出现,新的控制中心就是其中一个例子,iOS7看起来颇有嬉皮士风范。

    Semi-transparent menu layers , like those seen in the new control center , lend an updated , hipper look .

  22. 据What'sOnWeibo报道,一些中国媒体认为牌子上的警告是针对中国顾客,之后这张照片在网上被频频转发。

    According to What 's On Weibo , the photo was widely shared after Chinese media outlets reported that the notice was aimed directly at Chinese customers .

  23. 韦氏公司总部位于马萨诸塞州。总裁约翰•莫斯称,今年“bailout”一词在与总统选举和财政政策有关的讨论中“频频出现,所以当选年度词汇并不意外。

    John Morse , publisher of Merriam-Webster Inc. , said this was not surprising given that the word ubiquitously featured in discussions of the presidency and fiscal policy .

  24. 然而,近几年来,涉外OEM被诉侵权现象频频发生,究其根源在于混淆的可能性在商标侵权中的地位问题。

    However , in recent years , foreign OEM respondent violations occurred frequently , its roots are in the " likelihood of confusion " in the status of trademark infringement .

  25. 越来越多的书籍、电影、音乐等传统介质的作品被上传到网络空间,在线盗版电子书籍、盗版电影、BT下载等著作权网络侵权案件频频发生。

    More and more traditional media such as books , movies , music works have been uploaded to cyberspace , online pirated e-books , pirated movies , BT download and other copyright online infringement cases occurred frequently .

  26. 在几个起关键作用的项目告捷,市场之门随之公开之后,其它受挫的项目也后脚跟进,频频叩门,从COE中寻求帮助。

    After a few key wins , and the open marketing that follows , it won 't take long for other projects in jeopardy to beat down the doors of the COE , looking for help .

  27. 认为1993年世界气象灾害频频发生的原因是:(1)大气环流的异常变化对1993年东传型ENSO事件的响应几乎同步。

    It is confirmed that the main cause for world meteorological catastrophe in 1993 is closely related to the following features in that ( 1 ) the anomalous variation of atmosphere circulation has almost synchronous response to the eastward transmitting ENSO event of 1992 / 1993 ;

  28. 惯用语在我们日常交际中常常用到,汉语水平考试(HSK)的听力部分和阅读理解部分也频频出现,但是在对外汉语教学中却一直未受到足够的重视。

    Idioms are often used in our daily communication , and they appear frequently in the parts of listening and reading of Chinese Level Test ( HSK ) . But the idioms in the Chinese teaching to foreigners haven 't been played an important role .

  29. 三校园共享资源使用矛盾频频。

    3 , Lots of conflicts in sharing the school resource .

  30. 但针对创业板的恶意炒作也频频发生。

    But malicious speculation on the board has also occurred frequently .