
  • 网络Frequency Hopping;frequency jumping;Frequency Agility
  1. 扫描计算采用复频率跳变技术来实现自适应控制。

    The complex frequency hopping is employed for the automatic control of sweep calculations .

  2. 通过对每段信号进行分解、相位补偿、重构的方法来消除由频率跳变所引起的距离旁瓣增高,谱峰分裂、偏移等影响。

    To eliminate the influence of frequency hopping , the methods of signal decomposition , phase compensation and signal reconstruction are applied to each segment .

  3. 通过软件编程实现了直接序列扩频(DS-SS)调制、频率跳变扩频(FH-SS)调制、跳频/直扩混合扩频(FH/DS)调制等多种扩频调制。

    It is from software programming realizations Direct Serial Spread Spectrum modulate ( DS-SS ), Frequency Flip Spread Spectrum modulate ( FH-SS ) , Spread Spectrum and Frequency Flip mix Spread Spectrum modulate ( FH / DS ) and a lot of other Spread Spectrum modulate .

  4. 消息驱动跳频(MDFH)通信与常规跳频通信不同,它用部分信源数据代替跳频序列控制载波频率跳变,以提高系统频谱效率。

    Different from conventional FH communication systems , message-driven frequency hopping ( MDFH ) communication systems use part of the message stream as the FH sequence to control the hopping of carrier frequencies in order to increase system spectral efficiency .

  5. 频率跳变系统码跟踪电路研究

    Study of Code Trace Circuit for Frequency Skipping System

  6. 观察到锁频,相邻模式间的频率跳变及滞后等现象。

    The frequency locking , frequency jump between neighboring modes and the hysteresis phenomenon are observed .

  7. 快跳频系统指每秒频率跳变在一千次以上的跳频系统。

    Fast frequency hopping system is the system whose hop rate is above one thousand per second .

  8. 跳频技术利用频率跳变达到抗干扰目的,是电子对抗领域中的一个重要发展方向。

    Frequency hopping ( FH ) technologies uses frequency hopping to realize anti-jamming , and it is an important branch in the filed of electronic countermeasure .

  9. 差分跳频是一种数字通信系统,其频率跳变速度快,通信保密性好。

    Differential frequency hopping ( DFH ) system is a digital communication platform , which is characterized by its high speed of frequency-hopping and excellent communication security .

  10. 为了减小相噪对系统性能的影响,导出了此类信号源的设计判据,据此可基于折衷考虑选取环路带宽,以便同时获得较低的误码率,以及低的寄生输出和较快的频率跳变速度。

    Design criteria for such signal source are derived , upon which one can choose the PLL loop bandwidth by trade-off considerations , to get a relatively low BER , simultaneously obtain low spurious output and fast frequency hopping as well .

  11. 实际使用时需要对信号发生器的性能和复杂度进行折中,本文根据需要采用了3路并行传输,使频率跳变速度提高一倍,频率分辨率提高2倍。

    Under actual conditions of use , signal generator need to compromise according to the performance and complexity , and this paper for its own needs adopts a 3-way parallel transmission , making frequency hopping speed to increase one times and the frequency resolution to improve 2 times .

  12. 该仿真模型能在保持其它参数不变的条件下,通过仿真模型相位的跳变来模拟物理信道频率的跳变。

    It is shown that a frequency hop in the physical channel model corresponds to phase hops in the simulation model , while maintaining all other parameters unchanged .

  13. 跳频通信是多类扩展频谱通信方式当中最受关注的一种,其原理是通过一组伪随机序列控制载波频率随机跳变来实现通信收发双方的通信。

    Frequency hopping spread spectrum communication is a multi-class means of communication among the most talked about , its principle is according to a set of pseudo-random sequence randomized which controlled carrier frequency hopping communication transceiver to achieve mutual communication .

  14. 跳频通信是通过控制载波频率随机跳变的通信方式,具有抗干扰、抗截获、码分多址和频带共享的特点,因此在现代军事通信及民用移动通信中得到了广泛的应用。

    Frequency hopping communication is a communication manner by controlling the carrier frequency hopping randomly . It has features such as anti-interference , resistance to intercept , code division multiple access and frequency sharing performance , etc. It has been widely used in modern military communication and civil mobile communication .

  15. 根据反应曲线得到机器人的跳变频率,并说明跳变频率在机器人控制系统设计中的应用。

    According to the amplitude-frequency curves the jump frequencies are obtained and their application to the design of control systems of robots is also illustrated .

  16. 这种算法完全可以在微机上软件编程实现,它通过实时估计信号的频率,根据频率的跳变来提取同步信息。

    The algorithm can be realized in computer completely , it measures the instantaneous frequency of signal , and implements code synchronization through the jumping of frequency .

  17. 通过与PLL混频之后,其频率转换时间完全与DDS决定,能够产生快速跳变的频率输出,而且快速频率跳变能够提高跳频系统的安全性、抗干扰、抗截获能力。

    After mixing with PLL , the frequency switching time of the frequency synthesis system is completely decided by DDS , and the system can produce fast hopping frequency output , which can improve the frequency-hopping system security , anti-jamming and anti-interception capability .

  18. 跳频是通过伪随机码(PN码)来控制频率合成器,使得携带信息的发射信号的载波频率发生跳变,扩展发射信号的频谱,提高抗干扰能力。

    In frequency-hopping , a Pseudo Noise ( PN ) code is used to control frequency synthesizer , which makes the carrier frequency of transmitted signal hop in certain way and spreads the spectrum of transmitted signal in order to improve the anti-interference capability .

  19. 根据跳频信号瞬时带宽,将潜在跳频频率点邻域时频图投影到时域,分选潜在频率跳变点集合。

    The potential temporal hopping point set is fetched from the temporal projection variance of the adjacent domain time-frequency image according to the instantaneous signal bandwidth .

  20. 频率合成子系统采用DDS+PLL环外混频方案,实现频率的跳变。

    Frequency synthesis subsystem uses DDS + PLL loop outside the mixing program to implement frequency hopping .

  21. 本文介绍了一种射频频率捷变信号发生器的设计方案和工作原理,讨论了模拟相位内插(API)、延时鉴频器、锁频环、单环频率合成和频率快速跳变等关键技术。

    In this paper , the design and principle of a agile RF signal generator is introduced , and the key techniques including the API , delay line discriminator , frequency locked loop , frequency synthesis of single loop , frequency fast hop etc. are discussed .