
lǐnɡ tóu yánɡ
  • bellwether
  1. 建议了一种E.服务本行业做好领头羊

    Render the Customers an Enthusiastic Service Do well as the Bellwether in the Industry

  2. 这个网上零售商的经营范围从图书、玩具和CD乃至工具不是简单的电子商务的领头羊。

    The giant online retailer of goods ranging from books , toys and CDs to tools is not simply a bellwether of e-commerce .

  3. 他们是联赛的领头羊。

    They 're top of the league .

  4. 宝洁是大众化妆品行业中的领头羊。

    Procter & Gamble is the leader in the mass market cosmetics industry .

  5. 现在民主党人好像成了领头羊,这让共和党人非常愤怒。

    Republicans are furious that the Democrats currently seem to be making all the running .

  6. 值得一提的是,加利福尼亚州并不是这件事的领头羊。

    California , it should be noted , isn 't leading the way here .

  7. 我们知道,中国是一个人口大国,未来将成为世界经济的领头羊。

    We know China is a country with a large population and will be the leader of the economy around the world in the future .

  8. 谷歌浏览器是浏览器中的领头羊,占据了69%的市场份额。

    Google 's Chrome is the browser leader , commanding a 69 % share of the market .

  9. 两只领头羊-苹果和雅虎-宣布其第三季度盈馀后,周二下午收盘

    Two bellwethers - - Apple and Yahoo - - announced their third-quarter earnings after close of trading Tuesday afternoon .

  10. 而资深行业领头羊Gap也不再只做牛仔裤了。

    And longtime industry leader Gap isn 't all about jeans anymore .

  11. 你们可能不了解它,它叫ARHTMedia,是全球全息技术领域的领头羊。

    for those of you who don 't know about ARHT Media , they are a global leader in holographic technology .

  12. 上周,世界银行(worldbank)警告称,发展中国家面临一场结构性放缓,它们把全球增长领头羊的地位让给了富裕世界。

    This week the World Bank warned of a structural slowdown as developing nations ceded the leading role on global growth to the rich world .

  13. 目前可能还说不准联想能否成为全球pc领头羊。

    The jury may still be out on whether Lenovo is bound to be a global PC leader .

  14. 在社交媒体领域,Facebook近几年来一直是各家公司模仿的领头羊。

    In social media , Facebook has been the leader everyone imitates for several years .

  15. 由基因组学先驱克莱格凡特在加利福尼亚成立的syntheticgenomics公司,是该领域的领头羊。

    Synthetic Genomics , the company founded in California by genomics pioneer Craig Venter , is the leader here .

  16. 21世纪是平板显示时代,该时代的领头羊将是LCD。

    The 21 century is the age of flat panel display , LCD will be the leader in this age .

  17. 但即使贵为智能手机行业领头羊的苹果公司(Apple)也显然看到了腕表的优点。

    But even Apple , which has played a leading role in the watch 's wardrobe displacement , clearly sees the merits of a wearable clock .

  18. 在早期的安卓时代,HTC貌似就是那只领头羊。

    Early on , HTC looked to be that leader .

  19. 他鼓励鲁伯特·默多克收购了Vice的一小部分股份——这家公司已逐渐成为网络视频市场上的领头羊。

    He encouraged Rupert Murdoch to take a small stake in Vice , a company that has grown dominant in online video .

  20. 加利福尼亚州山景城——作为无人驾驶汽车研发领域的领头羊,谷歌(Google)遇到了一个奇怪的安全难题:人类。

    MOUNTAIN VIEW , Calif. - Google , a leader in efforts to create driverless cars , has run into an odd safety conundrum : humans .

  21. 现在,谷歌是全球互联网搜索领域的领头羊,并拥有针对手机设备的Android操作系统等产品。

    Today Google is the world leader in Internet search and has products like the Android operating system for mobile devices .

  22. 尽管政府主导的基础设施投资继续发挥着领头羊作用,私营部门的投资也显示出积极的迹象,高盛经济学家宋宇(YuSong)表示。

    While government-led infrastructure investments continue to lead the charge , private investments are showing positive signs as well , said Yu Song , Goldman economist .

  23. 日本企业的领头羊丰田(Toyota)去年在美国的销售额下降了15%。

    Toyota , the bellwether of corporate Japan , last year suffered a 15 per cent drop in US sales .

  24. ASK公司作为一家有志于成长为业界领头羊企业,有着增大产能、强化营销、扩大市场占有的强烈愿望。

    ASK company as one interested in the growth of the industry " leader " enterprise , has increased production capacity , strengthen marketing and a strong desire to expand market share .

  25. 而Instagram显然是手机照片分享领域的领头羊。

    Instagram is the clear leader in mobile photos .

  26. 然而,整体零售增长呈现放缓趋势,即使是电商行业的领头羊——在美国上市的阿里巴巴(Alibaba)——日子也不轻松。

    Yet overall retail growth has been slowing , and even ecommerce bellwether , US-listed Alibaba , is showing the strain .

  27. 互联网泡沫破裂之后12年的大部分时间里,思科公司(Cisco)一直是科技行业的领头羊。

    For most of the 12 years since the dot-com bubble burst , Cisco was a true tech bellwether .

  28. Skype的例子证明,做到这些你就可以成为市场的领头羊。

    Do this and you can easily become the market leader , as Skype has proved .

  29. AC米兰通过对尤文图斯的一场3:0的胜利保持了对领头羊&同城死敌国际米兰的压力。而此结果使主场教练费拉拉大发雷霆。

    AC Milan kept up the pressure on table-toppers and city rivals Inter Milan with a3-0 win away to Juventus-a result which turns the heat firmly on home coach Ciro Ferrara .

  30. 本月早些时候该领域领头羊三星电子(SamsungElectronicsCo.)表示,受智能手机销售低迷拖累,预计第二季度营业利润将出现下滑。

    Earlier this month , market leader Samsung Electronics Co. said it expected a decline in operating profit in the second quarter due to sluggish smartphone sales .