
  • 网络preventive trial
  1. 带电作业绝缘工具预防性试验现状分析及改进

    Situation analysis and improvement of insulating tools preventive trial for live working

  2. 将预防性试验数据与关键的在线监测技术相结合,避免了运行事故。

    Preventive trial data and key technology of on-line monitor are combined , which avoids operating accident .

  3. XLPE电缆交接和预防性试验方法的发展现状

    Present Situation of XLPE Cable Handover and Preventive Test Method

  4. 关于FZ型避雷器预防性试验方法的探讨

    Research of Field Test Methed of FZ Type Arrester

  5. 因此,无论在国内还是在国际,DGA技术都被列为电力设备预防性试验的重要位置。

    Thus , the DGA technology has been placed in an important position in the preventive tests of power transformer equipment .

  6. 500kV电气设备不拆线进行预防性试验的研究

    Study on the Preventive Test for 500 kV Electrical Equipment of no - Removing the Lead Line

  7. 指出500kV主变压器不拆高压引线进行预防性试验是可行有效的。

    It is shown the preventive test on 500 kV power Transformer with high voltage lead wires in connection is feasible and effective .

  8. 介绍了3种目前常用的运行中金属氧化物避雷器(MOA)故障诊断的方法,即预防性试验、监测或检测、红外热成像,并分析了环境条件对测量结果的影响。

    The 3 kinds of fault diagnosis method ( preventive testing , inspection or detection and infrared photography ) for metal oxide arrester ( MOA ) in operation were introduced , and the influence of ambient conditions on measuring results was analyzed .

  9. EST-C1变电站电气试验车适用于电力变电站及电气化铁路牵引变电所的电力设备的工程交接试验及预防性试验。

    The Substation Electrical Testing Coach ( EST-C1 ) is used for high voltage electrical equipment in substation or feeder station 's preventive test and project 's handing over test .

  10. 变电站预防性试验中存在的问题及对策

    The Problems in Preventive Experiments in Transformer Substation and Their Prescriptions

  11. 预防性试验在地铁变压器运行中的应用

    The Application of Preventative Test in the Transformer Operation of Metro

  12. 中压交联电缆的交接、预防性试验

    Test after Installation and Preventive Tests of MV XLPE Cable

  13. 浅谈电气设备预防性试验的重要性

    Talking about the Importance of the Preventive Test on the Electric Equipment

  14. 电力设备预防性试验和检修的现状及改进建议

    The Status and Improvement Advice of Electrical Equipment Preventive Testing and Maintenance

  15. 电容型电流互感器不拆高压引线的预防性试验方法

    Preventative Test of capacitive current transformer with high voltage lines in place

  16. 对《电气设备预防性试验规程》中几个特定用语的分析

    Analysis of Terminologys in Preventive Test Rules of Electrical Equipment

  17. 浅谈小水电站电气设备预防性试验

    On Preventive Experiment of Electric Installation in Small-sized Power Station

  18. 交联电缆故障检测及预防性试验的应用

    Checking of Cross-linked Cable Faults and Application of Precautionary Tests

  19. 湿度影响预防性试验的分析及处理

    Tha Analysis of Influence of Humidity on Preventive Test

  20. 变电设备检修及预防性试验信息管理系统的开发

    Development of Informational Management for the Overhaul and Prevent Test of Substation Device

  21. 浅析交联电力电缆的交接和预防性试验

    On acceptance and preventive tests of XLPE cables

  22. 变压器预防性试验结果的综合分析判断

    The Synthetic Analysis - Judgment to the Result of Preventative Test for the Transformers

  23. 高压电力电缆预防性试验及故障寻测技术现状分析

    Situation Analysis of Preventative Tests and Faults Testing Technology of High Voltage Power Cable

  24. 避雷器每年应在雷雨季节前后进行一次预防性试验。

    Arrester should be in the thunderstorm season after a year to conduct a preventive test .

  25. 针对这一问题,提出采用不拆头方法做预防性试验。

    For this problem , the paper puts forward a way of doing preventive test without disconnection .

  26. 在对串级耦合电容器进行预防性试验时需要拆头,给检修试验工作带来一定困难和危险。

    Disconnection in the preventive test for series coupling capacitors brings some difficulties and dangers to the maintenance test .

  27. 目前我国铁路上主要采用预防性试验结合定期检修的方法来保障电气设备的安全运行。

    At present , railway operation department uses preventive test and regular overhauling to ensure the safe operation of electrical equipment .

  28. 证明了绝缘杆测试仪在现阶段是国内比较先进的测试仪器,它可方便地应用于工作现场,弥补了预防性试验和检查性试验的不足,保证了绝缘工具的安全使用。

    It can be used at site to certify the safe use of insulated tools as a makeup of preventing and checking experiment .

  29. 电气设备绝缘预防性试验中的介质损失角正切的测量,则是一种使用较多而且对判断绝缘较为有效的方法。

    The measurement of dielectric loss angle is one of the main methods in the preventive tests for the insulation of electrical equipment .

  30. 文中运用模糊数学理论,结合专家系统,针对在线监测数据、预防性试验数据和历史运行状况数据,提出了一种电力设备健康状态评估的新算法;

    By combining the fuzzy mathematics and expert acknowledge , a new algorism for evaluating health condition of electric power equipments is proposed .