
yù sài
  • preliminary;heat;preliminary contest;trial;preliminary heats;trial match
预赛 [yù sài]
  • [preliminary contest;preliminary heats;preliminary] 决赛之前进行的选拔参加决赛者的比赛

预赛[yù sài]
  1. 他轻松地通过了跳高预赛。

    He has easily won the preliminary contest for the high jump .

  2. 由于赛前准备充分,我信心十足地走进了预赛考场。

    Fully prepared for it , I was full of confidence while entering the examination hall of the preliminary contest .

  3. 他在预赛中成绩很好,且有望在决赛中也有同样出色的表现。

    He did well in the heats ; hopefully he 'll do as well in the final .

  4. 她在预赛中获胜。

    She won her heat .

  5. 只要鲍勃处于最佳状态,我们就能拿下最艰难的一场预赛。

    If Bob is at his best , we 'll be able to win the most difficult game of our run-in .

  6. 7月24日,年轻的扎扎在预赛中以0-4输给了奥地利华裔运动员刘佳。

    On July 24 , the young Zaza lost her match to Chinese - ­ Austrian athlete Liu Jia 4-0 during the preliminaries .

  7. 从第四届CUBA预赛谈江苏省高校高水平女篮技战术水平现状

    Study on the State of Tactic and Skill of Female Basketball Teem of Jiangsu University in CUBA Preliminary Contest

  8. 在1992年的奥运会上,德雷克•雷蒙德(DerekRedmond)在400米预赛中拉伤了腘绳肌腱,但仍决定要一瘸一拐地完成比赛。

    At the 1992 Olympics , Derek Redmond tore his hamstring during a 400-meter heat , but decided to try to hobble to the finish .

  9. 虽然SarahAttar以2分钟的成绩落后于预赛冠军,但是她在伦敦奥运上留下了自己的足迹。

    Her time of 2 minutes , 44.95 seconds was well behind the heat-winner , but she left her mark on the London Games .

  10. 周二下午最大的意外来自短道速滑男子500米预赛。卫冕奥运冠军、加拿大队的哈梅林(CharlesHamelin)在最后一圈摔倒。

    Earlier in the afternoon , the biggest surprise came in the men 's 500-meter heats , when defending Olympic champion Charles Hamelin of Canada crashed out on the final lap .

  11. SarahAttar成为沙特阿拉伯国家史上第一位参加奥运会的女性,星期三当天她头裹头巾参加了伦敦奥运800米田径比赛预赛并最后一个跑完全程。

    Sarah Attar has become the first Saudi woman to compete in Olympic track and field , wearing a headscarf and finishing last in her 800-meter heat Wednesday .

  12. 女子4x100m混合泳预赛结果摘要。

    Women's4x100m medley relay results summary heat .

  13. 明天举行200米预赛。

    The heats of the200 metres will is run off tomorrow .

  14. 这些拳击运动员以相当出色的成绩通过了预赛

    These boxers do quite well to get through the preliminary

  15. 她在预赛阶段的表现值得称赞。

    She gave a creditable performance in the preliminary rounds .

  16. 他通过了预赛,但在决赛中输掉了。

    He got through the preliminaries but lost out in the finals .

  17. 法国队在预赛中名列第一。

    The French team finished first in the competition preliminaries .

  18. (体育中)决定资格的预赛。

    ( sports ) a preliminary competition to determine qualifications .

  19. 我希望有资格参加奥林匹克预赛。

    I hope to qualify for the olympic trials .

  20. 通常游泳运动员上午参加预赛,晚上参加决赛。

    Normally they swim preliminaries in the morning and finals in the evening .

  21. 重要的国际跳水比赛都有预赛和决赛。

    In major international competition there is always a preliminary and final competition .

  22. 周一,刘翔在110米栏第一轮预赛中起跑失败。

    Liu Xiang failed to start his110 metres hurdles first-round heat on Monday .

  23. 预赛得不到第一又有什么关系呢?

    What does it matter if you 're not first in the trials ?

  24. 古巴队在预赛中战胜了联合队,而我们又战胜古巴队。

    Cuba beat the Unified Team in the preliminary round and we beat Cuba .

  25. 我在百米预赛中失利了。

    I failed in the preliminary for the100-meter-dash .

  26. 澳大利亚队在预赛中表现出色,所有的队员都合格。

    The Australian team did well in the prelims , with all members qualifying .

  27. 总体来看,中国队在预赛轮表现的一场比一场好。

    Generally speaking , the Chinese team played better and better in the preliminary round .

  28. 选手们通过在本国举行的激烈预赛后,成功晋级决赛。

    All of the candidates have passed the preliminary contests held in their own countries .

  29. 预赛分数不计入决赛。

    There is no carry-over of points .

  30. 在决赛前有一场预赛。

    Inary contest before the final one .