
  • 网络Budget Adjustment
  1. 预算调整分为全面调整和局部调整,本文仅分析局部调整。

    Budget adjustment is classified into complete adjustment and partial adjustment and this paper only analyzes the latter .

  2. 预算调整决策权配置结构主要取决于立法机构的预算监督导向。

    The allocation structure of decision-making power of budget adjustment mainly depends on budget supervision orientation of the legislature .

  3. 防止玩家在预算调整和赛季目标时,提高预算太多。

    Prevented human users from exploiting the budget adjustments and season expectations to boost budgets excessively .

  4. 第三,需要在公司治理结构下通过流程再造来确保动态预算调整的实施;

    Third , reengineering under the structure of corporate governance is the safeguard to implement dynamic budgeting adjustment .

  5. 欧洲需要一项全面战略,通过预算调整、金融修复和巩固增长的结构性改革,重建可持续的公共金融。

    Europe needs a comprehensive strategy that restores sustainable public finances through budgetary adjustment , financial repair and growth-enhancing structural reforms .

  6. 人们有像样的理由怀疑,即使目前摆在台面上长期、大规模预算调整方案得以全面实施,且希腊也恢复了竞争力,该国能否全额偿还债务?

    There are serious reasons to doubt that the country will be able to repay its debt entirely , even if it implements in full the large and protracted budgetary adjustment now on the table , and regains competitiveness .

  7. 同时,严格预算调整,对预算调整范围、程序、权限进行严格规范,建立严格规范的调整审批制度及程序。促进企业价值增加。

    At the same time , we require not only to build strict permission system and procedures to control the budget adjustment , but also to define strict domain , procedure and right of budget adjustment to increase enterprises ' value .

  8. 编制现金预算收益调整法

    Adjusted income method of preparing cash budget

  9. 没有了中央银行承担财政赤字费用,政治家就不得不寻找财源来平衡预算和调整银行资本。

    With no central bank to finance the budget deficit , politicians will have to find the resources to balance the budget and recapitalize the banks .

  10. 总之,对于欧盟成员国而言,应巩固财政预算,调整支出与收入的结构,实现公共财政的可持续性发展。

    In a word , the EU member countries should consolidate the budget and adjust the structure of expenditure and revenue to achieve the long-term sustainability of public finances .

  11. 2009年基金预算收入科目调整。

    The budgetary revenue of fund was adjusted in2009 .

  12. 复阅项目预算的每月调整。

    Review monthly forecasting on projects .

  13. 列出了基础数据的说明,介绍了IUFO,报表应用流程、与其它业务系统的接口和性能调整,预算的编制、调整流程以及控制和分析的实现进了详细的说明。

    Lists the basic data description of the IUFO , reporting application process , and other business systems interface and performance tuning , budget preparation , adjustment processes , and implementation of control and analysis into the detail .

  14. 企业预算管理中预算调整控制的思考

    The Thought of Budget Adjustment and Control Referring to Enterprise Budget Management

  15. 通常情况下,当项目不能按期结束或不能满足预算时,需要调整项目的范围。

    Typically , you adjust scope when you find a problem with meeting the finish date or the budget .

  16. 策略、计划和预算过程尤其需要调整,并将敏捷方法融入其中。

    Specifically , the strategy , planning , and budgeting processes need to be modified and interwoven in these agile methods .

  17. 针对口径上的差异,对建筑产品工程实际成本与预算成本项目如何调整进行了探讨,并提出改进的建议。

    Judging from this , the way of the adjustment of the actual and budget cost items of construction projects is discussed , and suggestions for improvement are put forward .

  18. 建筑装饰品,根据国家预算定额结合湖南省预算定额调整,本地市矿产计算。

    Building decoration , according to the national budget norm combining hunan budget ration adjustment , the local municipal mineral calculation .

  19. 系统具有快速、准确完成预算编制与汇总;预算控制;规范预算调整流程。

    System is fast , accurate and complete budgeting , Budget control , Standard budget adjustment process .

  20. 预算和财务收支计划的编报及预算调整是否按规定的程序报批;

    Whether preparation of budgets , financial plans and budgetary adjustments are submitted for approval according to stipulated procedures ;

  21. 强调要灵活选择预算编制方法,严格执行预算,规范预算调整的审批程序,加强预算的事前、事中和事后控制。

    It was emphasized that the choice of budget draw up method should be flexible , the budget be strictly implemented , the approval procedure for budget adjustment be regulated , and the control of budget before , during and after events be reinforced .

  22. 在EVA与全面预算管理的融合上,论文从EVA与预算编制、预算调整、预算差异分析、预算考评四方面进行了分析。

    On the integration of EVA into comprehensive budget management , the paper analyzes the integration of EVA into budget preparation , budget adjustment , budget variance analysis , budget evaluation .

  23. 一种方法是根据在新的预算期间内预期发生的变化来对以前期间的预算定额进行调整。

    One method adjusts budget allowances of prior periods for changes that are expected to occur during the new budget period .

  24. 系统应用软件分系统实现和系统相关的功能,包括:业务计划与预算编制,预算审核与分解下达,预算执行与控制,预算调整,预算报告与分析等各功能模块。

    The application software of the system is divided into system implementation of the system , including : business planning and budgeting , budget audit and issued decomposition , implementation and control of budget , budget , budget reporting and analysis of every function module .

  25. 目前集团全面预算管理的实施步骤,包括指标确定、执行、控制以及预算的分析调整和考核等。

    The procedures of implementing the management at present consist of the confirmation , implementation and control of the target . In addition to the analysis , adjustment and examination of budget are also introduced in this chapter .

  26. 在预算执行中,因上级政府返还或者给予补助而引起的预算收支变化,不属于预算调整。

    Changes in budgetary revenues and expenditures caused by funds returned or subsidies granted by governments at higher levels in the course of budget implementation shall not be regarded as budget adjustments .

  27. 由于预算的特性和港口企业面临的更多的不确定因素,企业应更为注意预算差异分析和预算调整这两方面因素。

    Because of port enterprises ' uncertain factors and budget 's characteristics , port enterprises should pay an attention to budget difference analysis and budget adjustment .

  28. 实现了预算的滚动预测功能,它可以在发生预算不足之前,及对发现预算不足的风险,并及时对预算进行调整。防止因预算不足造成的项目停滞。

    The system achieved a rolling budget forecast function . It can in due time makes adjustments to the budget before the existence of budget shortfall and prevent project stagnation caused by budget shortfall .

  29. 文章对预算管理、预算管理与财务管理的区别与联系、预算管理体系的架构、预算的编制与实施、预算的调整以及评估与考核等一系列问题,进行了阐述。

    This paper expounds a serious of problems on budget , including its management , the difference between management of budget and finance , the framework for its system , budget making up and being put into effect , adjustment and evaluation , etc.