
  1. 三是中央财政赤字可以控制在调整预算批准的数额之内,地方财政略有结余。

    Thirdly , the central fiscal deficit was managed within the figures allowed by the adjusted budget , and the local budgets have slight surplus .

  2. 明年的预算已获批准。

    Next year 's budget has been agreed .

  3. (vi)决定本联盟计划和通过三年预算,并批准决算;

    ( vi ) determine the program and adopt the triennial budget of the Union , and approve its final accounts ;

  4. 而一般预料,菅直人首相在几个重要的预算法案获得批准后,将宣布下台。

    The move came as Prime Minister Naoto Kan is expected to soon announce he will step down after the approval of several critical budget bills .

  5. 财政大臣的预算须由国会批准。

    The Chancellor 's budget must be approved by Parliament .

  6. 国务院在正常的预算决策程序之外批准这样一项追加资金,说明政府对粮食安全的迫切关注。

    For the State Council to approve such an increase outside of the normal budget-making process indicates the government 's mounting concern about food security .