
yù dìng
  • predetermine;schedule;reserve;due;destined;slate;fix in advance
预定 [yù dìng]
  • [schedule;fix in advance;predetermine] 事前规定、决定或约定

预定[yù dìng]
  1. 在确保恒温精度的同时,为了在尽可能短的时间内使液体温度达到预定的温度,以提高工作效率,提出了全程动态加热方案。

    In order to improve productiveness , the liquid temperature should be maken arrive predetermine value as short time as impossible , and controlling accuracy should be ensured at the same time . For the purpose , an optimum scheme of dynamic heating in all process is presented .

  2. 该项目现已经比预定时间晚了7年,原因首先是因为成本增加,其次是由于技术问题。

    The programme is now seven years behind schedule as a result , firstly of increased costs , then of technical problems

  3. 其他盈利较少的服务项目预定今年稍晚将大量削减。

    Other less profitable services are to be axed later this year .

  4. 渡轮预定3点钟到岸。

    The ferry is due to land at 3 o'clock .

  5. 这项工程预定在明年春季竣工。

    The project is due for completion in the spring .

  6. 子弹未击中预定的目标。

    The bullet missed its intended target .

  7. 航天飞机已经预定于凌晨4点38分发射升空。

    The space shuttle had been scheduled to blast off at 04:38

  8. 卡特先生预定于星期一到达伦敦。

    Mr Carter is due in London on Monday .

  9. 在预定进行投票的前一天选举被延期。

    Elections were postponed the day before polling was due to take place .

  10. 预定星期五发布的通货膨胀数字将会给他一些宽慰。

    He will be able to take some comfort from inflation figures due on Friday

  11. 可以使这些胶囊在预定的时间释放杀虫剂。

    The capsules can be made to release the pesticides at a predetermined time .

  12. 她比预定的时间仅早到了一点儿。

    She arrives a smidgen ahead of time .

  13. 会谈超过了他们的预定时间。

    The talks overran their allotted time .

  14. 在预定交易就要结束的前一周,15家日本银行采取行动撤离。

    The week before the deal was supposed to close , fifteen Japanese banks made a move to pull out

  15. 会议将按预定的计划进行。

    The meeting will take place [ proceed ] as planned .

  16. 这门课程预定在一年内修完。

    The course of study is to be completed within a year .

  17. 我已在餐厅预定了座位,5:30到。

    I have arranged with the restaurant to expect us at5:30 .

  18. 请您填一下这张预定单。

    Could you please fill in this booking form .

  19. 这项工程预定在明年完成。

    The project is scheduled for completion next year .

  20. 她预定星期四到达,这期间我们做什么呢?

    She 's due to arrive on thursday . meanwhile , what do we do ?

  21. 形势正按预定的方向发展。

    Things are going on course .

  22. 我们提前召开了会议,因为报告比预定日期提前准备好了。

    We were able to set the meeting ahead because the report was prepared earlier than we expected .

  23. 和那个捉摸不定的人打交道,你简直无法按预定计划行事,只好随机应变。

    In dealing with that unpredictable man , you simply cannot follow a prearranged plan , you have to play it by ear .

  24. “约定的经停地点”是指除出发地点和目的地点以外,在您的客票或者我们的班期时刻表中列明作为您的旅行路线中预定经停的地点。

    Agreed stopping places means those places , except the place of departure and the place of destination , set out in the ticket or shown in our timetables as scheduled stopping places on your route .

  25. 在位置订满和樱花凋谢之前提前预定好您的位置!

    Reserve your spot before availability — and the cherry blossoms — disappear !

  26. 早点预定一张桌子。

    Book early to get a table .

  27. 在今年的“开放中创新”大会上,一家公司展示了一种新的语音技术,能够产生以假乱真的人声,能够通话并预定房间

    At this year 's I / O Conference , a company showed a new voice technology able to produce such a convincing human-sounding voice that it was able to speak to a receptionist and book a reservation without detection .

  28. 预定一个有厨房的房间。

    Book a room with a kitchen .

  29. 想打车时你可以用手机预定。

    When you want to take a taxi , you can book one with your phone .

  30. 我们已经预定了三张明天的票

    We have bespoken three tickets for tomorrow .