
  • 网络satisfaction;customer satisfaction;customersatisfaction
  1. 我们也提高了顾客满意的标准。

    We also improved our customer satisfaction levels .

  2. MS饭店顾客满意因素分析与对策

    The Customer Satisfaction Factor Analysis and Countermeasure of MS Hotel

  3. 重要的是让顾客满意。

    It 's important to keep the punters happy .

  4. 作为推销员,你的首要任务是竭尽全力让顾客满意。

    As a salesman , your cardinal rule is to do everything you can to satisfy a customer

  5. 我们将尽一切努力使顾客满意。

    We will do everything in our power to satisfy our customers .

  6. 企业顾客满意(CS)绩效评价模型设计及应用

    The Designing and Application of the Model of CS-Performance-Evaluation in Enterprises

  7. 成功企业在90年代创造了顾客满意(CS)的理论与方法。

    Successful companies have established the theory and method of Customer Satis-faction ( CS ) in the 1990s .

  8. CS管理是目前流行于西方国家的一种全新的经营管理模式,并于近年来被我国越来越多的企业所导入。CS即英文CustomerSatisfaction的缩写,意为顾客满意。

    CS ( the abbreviation of Customer Satisfaction management ) is a very popular new management mode in western countries now , which has been adopted by many companies .

  9. CS管理作为一种以追求顾客满意为目的和中心而采取的管理手段,已成为现代企业管理的重要发展方向。

    CS management , which considers customer 's satisfaction as aim and center of a company , has become an important orientation of company management 's developing .

  10. 由于ISO9000系列标准和卓越绩效国家标准要求顾客满意指数分析,SEM的计算就显得非常重要。

    As customer satisfaction index was required by a series of ISO9000 criterions , the calculation plays an important part in the applications of structural equation model .

  11. CS管理的基本内容是,企业要以顾客满意为指针,建立一套顾客满意的生产服务系统,为顾客提供满意的商品和服务。

    Customer Satisfaction Management is the direction to a company , which aims to provide satisfying product , first-class service and builds a set of system accordingly as well .

  12. 从学校品牌塑造因素提出基于因素的策略,从当今学校品牌塑造过程中的三大问题介绍了顾客满意、ISO9000和成本效益分析三个策略。

    Three policies are presented : Customer Satisfaction , ISO9000 and Cost Effectiveness analysis . Brand competition is the focus of the competition among the vocational and technical colleges .

  13. 论文针对物业管理中维修服务领域顾客满意方面存在的问题进行研究,在物业管理行业CS管理理论研究的基础上,研究了其基本理论、系统应用方法及程序、系统实施步骤。

    According to the problems of customer satisfaction in the process of management , this paper studies the basic theory of CS , application method and procedure , and implement step of the system .

  14. 此外,本文选用相关子样本进行数据分析以比较邮政EMS和主要民营快递在服务绩效、顾客满意以及二者关系三个层面上的差异。

    Moreover , the differences between China Post 's EMS and the main private-owned express service are also discussed from three aspects : the service performance , the customer satisfaction and the relationship between them .

  15. 从建立质量管理体系,实施人本管理,树立顾客满意理念,重视科学管理方法的应用等方面论述了ISO9000国际质量标准对医学图书馆管理提出的要求。提出了更新观念,强化质量意识;

    The requirements of ISO 9000 for medical library management are discussed from the establishment of quality management system , implementation of people-oriented management , realization of sense of user satisfaction , and application of scientific management .

  16. QS-9000兼容了质量管理的内容,如顾客满意、竞争对手的比较、减少成本等,其中持续改进贯穿于这些要求中,并提出了一些持续改进的项目和技术。

    QS-9000 Consists of the content of quality management , where " continual improvement " is a link line through it .

  17. 接着以顾客满意理论为指导,借鉴美国顾客满意度指数(ACSI)模型,结合开发区投资环境各因素及投资者行为特征分析,构建出投资者满意度指数模型。

    Secondly taking American Customer Satisfaction Index ( ACSI ) model for reference , investor satisfaction index model is designed based on the analysis of investor behavior features and factors of investment environment .

  18. 对心理咨询业营销的创新就是运用服务营销理念对心理咨询业的4P组合策略进行补充,将整合营销战略、顾客满意战略、服务营销组合战略等用来指导心理咨询业的经营。

    The innovation to the psychology counseling is making use of the services marketing concept to reinforce the 4P combination strategies , applying the integrated marketing strategy , the customer-satisfied strategy and service marketing combination strategy to supervise the development of psychology counseling industry .

  19. 运用顾客满意管理系统实现企业持续改进

    Utilizing Customer 's Satisfactory Management System Realizing Enterprise 's Continual Improvement

  20. 质量管理体系能够帮助组织增强顾客满意。

    Quality management systems can assist organizations in enhancing customer satisfaction .

  21. 顾客满意与产品开发

    Using the Consumers ' Satisfaction with Products to Create Honest Customers

  22. 基于顾客满意的移动通信企业业务流程重组过程研究

    Research on Mobile Communications Business Process Reengineering Based on Customer Satisfaction

  23. 成品油销售企业导入顾客满意战略之浅见

    Views on introduction of CS strategy in refined oil sales companies

  24. 家装行业中顾客满意对行为意向有显著的正面影响。

    Customer satisfaction also has remarkable positive impact on behavior intention .

  25. 热情周到的服务和低廉的价格都会使顾客满意。

    Friendly service and low prices all contribute to customer satisfaction .

  26. 服务员极力想让顾客满意,即便他们偶尔会分心。

    The service is eager to please , if occasionally distracted .

  27. 顾客满意导向软件质量保证模型及应用

    Customer Satisfaction Oriented Software Quality Assurance Model and Its Application

  28. 从顾客满意战略到顾客信任战略

    From the Customer Satisfaction Strategy to the Customer Confidence Strategy

  29. 顾客满意来自于比较低的支出获得了更优质的产品和服务;

    Customers are satisfied with better products and Services with low payment .

  30. 顾客满意对价格容忍度的影响研究

    Research on the Effect of Customer Satisfaction on Price Tolerance