
  • 网络PLC;Sequencer;Sequence Controller;Sequencer Controller
  1. 家具力学性能试验机PLC顺序控制器设计方法

    The Design Method of PLC Sequence Controller in the Test Machines of Furniture Mechanical Properties

  2. 采用CMOS数字集成电路的可编程时间顺序控制器

    Programmable Timing Sequence Controller with CMOS IC

  3. 基于嵌入式PLC的顺序控制器设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Sequential Controller Based on Push-in Type PLC

  4. 本文介绍以MCS-51单片机为核心的时间顺序控制器的设计原理,硬件与软件组成,以及应用情况。

    This paper introduces principle combination hardware and software of designed time order controller on the basis of MCS-51 singlechip besides its application .

  5. 步进式顺序控制器是一种通用性装置。

    The Stepping Sequential Controller is a type of general-purpose device .

  6. 步进式顺序控制器类内聚度量研究

    Stepping Sequential Controller A research on lack of cohesion in methods

  7. 矿井提升机电力拖动串联顺序控制器

    Series Sequencing Controller in Electric Power Dragging System of Mine Hoist

  8. 时间顺序控制器在乳品干燥设备中的应用

    Application of Time Sequence Control Unit in Dairy Drying Equipment

  9. 555集成电路组成的高抗干扰顺序控制器

    A Highly Effective Antinoise Sequence Controller Built with 555 IC

  10. 步进式顺序控制器步进式控制器的程序设计

    Stepping Sequential Controller Compiling step sequence Controller by Computer

  11. 步进式顺序控制器碱基关联模式的统计研究

    Stepping Sequential Controller A Statistical Investigation of Base Correlation in Nucleic Acid Sequences

  12. 基于移位原理的顺序控制器研究

    Study Based on Sequential Controller of Shift Principle

  13. 一种顺序控制器的设计和验证方法

    Design and verification methods for sequential controllers

  14. 抗干扰高可靠性的顺序控制器

    Sequential Controller of Antijamming and High Reliability

  15. 新型的时间顺序控制器

    New - Style Time Order Controller

  16. 分布式智能顺序控制器的设计

    Design of Distributed Intelligent Sequential Controller

  17. 通用顺序控制器的设计

    Design of a General Sequential Controller

  18. 顺序控制器的设计

    Design of Sequential Controllers

  19. 介绍了时间顺序控制器在乳品干燥设备中的应用及其组成和工作原理。

    The application of time sequence control unit in dairy drying equipment is introduced . Its composition and working principles are recommended as well .

  20. 依照手工编制步进顺序控制器程序的步骤,通过交互菜单方式,用户可以很方便地得到一张程序控制二极管矩阵图。

    According to the steps of manually compiling step sequence controller , user can conveniently gain a program control diode matrix drafting by interactively selecting menu .

  21. 本文从实用的角度出发,简要地介绍了一种可组态的逻辑顺序控制器硬件结构,较详细地介绍了这种控制器的组态方法,并给出了3种应用实例。

    This paper introduces briefly the hardware construction of a kind of logic sequence controller , It introduces the configuration method of this controller , Also , the paper gives three application cases of the controller .

  22. 本文讨论了由继电器和电子器件构成的卷染机顺序控制器的逻辑电路及其性能,以及设计中接点临界竞争的分析和处理。

    This paper discusses the logical circuits and their performance of the sequential controller of the dyejigger consisting of relays and electronic devices , and the of critical race of contacts , is analyzed and processed .

  23. 顺序电视设备节目控制器基于设备服务器的电视发射机远程监控系统

    Remote Surveillance and Control System for Television Transmitters Based on Device Server

  24. 串联顺序调节与顺序控制器

    Series Sequencing Regulation and Sequencing Controller

  25. 析电视节目制播分离与地方体育电视发展顺序电视设备节目控制器

    Anglicizing of Relationship between Commission System and Development of District Sports Channel ; sequential television equipment programmer

  26. 状态形容词的可及性等级及连用顺序步进式顺序控制器

    The Accessibility Hierarchy and the Using-together Sequence of State Adjectives Stepping Sequential Controller

  27. 反应条件一般不改变离子参与反应的顺序。步进式顺序控制器

    Generally , the reaction conditions do not affect the redox orders of different ions with ' ACF . Stepping Sequential Controller