
  1. 贷款方在进行评审时,其考察的重点从借款方的公司信誉、抵押资产、财务状况,转移到项目的经济强度、融资协议的风险控制能力等方面。

    Borrowers , while appraising the finance behavior , their check point have been transfered to such respects as the economic strength of the project , risk control ability of the financing agreements , from the company prestige , assets mortgage , and financial situation .

  2. 项目融资与传统的公司融资不同,项目融资是以项目的资产收益作为抵押来融资,即项目融资用来保证贷款偿还的首要来源被限制在融资项目本身的经济强度之中。

    Project financing , which is different from traditional corporate financing , is on the basis of asset income of a project as a mortgage and the chief resource to guarantee the loan in project financing is restricted in project financing itself .