
  • 网络Project preparation;preparation of project
  1. 一份新发布的报告显示,经济衰退及项目准备不充分,已导致联合国(UN)碳交易体系下30%的项目无法交付任何碳信用额。

    The recession and inadequate project preparation have led to almost 30 per cent of projects under the United Nations ' carbon trading system failing to deliver any credits , according to a new report .

  2. 充分的项目准备和有效的保障措施;①有效的融资机制降低投资风险。

    Full and effective project preparation and decreasing capital risk with effective financing mechanism .

  3. 委员会一致要求市政府工作人员就该项目准备一份进度报告。

    The Council unanimously directed city staff to prepare a status report on the project

  4. 为性能测试项目准备RationalTeamConcert源码控制

    Prepare Rational Team Concert source control for the performance test project

  5. 教育研究中心的社论项目准备了这个报告。

    The Editorial Projects in Education Research Center prepared the report .

  6. 这个项目准备了很长时间才开始。

    The project took a long time to get off the ground .

  7. 现在,您的项目准备使用华航的功能。

    Now , your project is ready to use the features of CAL .

  8. 百色水利枢纽项目准备阶段国际咨询服务采购方法及应用

    Practice and Method On Procurement of International Consulting Services for Baise Multipurpose Dam Project

  9. 国家规划和项目准备基金

    Country planning and project preparation fund

  10. 此项活动为项目准备了开发环境,开发环境既包括过程,也包括工具。

    This activity prepares the development environment for a project , where the development environment includes both process and tools .

  11. 本文通过对工程建设施工项目准备期、施工过程及竣工期的管理进行研究,系统地阐述了工程建设施工项目全过程的管理。

    This text through the study of management at preparatory stages of project under construction to engineering , construct course and the time of completion , Have systematically explained the management of the whole course of project under construction of engineering .

  12. 项目准备和实施过程中,努力通过先进项目管理理论和技术的应用,指导项目的组织实施,以达到用最低的投资、较短的实施时间,获得最好的投资收益的目的。

    This project is divided into two stages-project 's pre-preparation and project execution , which a goal that uses lowest investments and shortest executing duration to gain best investment returns can be realized by the application of this advanced project management theory as a guidance of the project execution .

  13. 此项目只准备用作EJB容器。

    This is intended for the EJB container only .

  14. 世界银行将继续努力加强贷款项目从准备到评估到实施各个环节NGO和民间组织的参与。

    The World Bank will continue efforts to increase involvement of NGOs in our projects in China , from project preparation and appraisal to project implementation .

  15. XXX公司的产品,并作为代理在该区域为该公司进行新项目的准备和谈判。

    The Products of XXX company , and acting as agent for the company in preparing and negotiating new projects in the territory .

  16. 借助IRM-ERP,企业可找出其在管理、技术等各方面存在的缺陷,从而可以采取措施进行优化,为成功实施ERP项目做好准备。

    By assistance of IRM-ERP , enterprises can efficiently find out bugs in such facet as management , technology and take optimization steps accordingly , thus facilitating readiness of successful implementation of ERP project .

  17. 这个项目正准备进行下一个阶段。

    The project is ready to proceed to its next phase .

  18. 一百零四只“精灵”卫星已经为这个演示项目做好准备。

    One-hundred-four Sprites are ready to fly on this demonstration mission .

  19. 下面为接下来的开发项目做准备。

    Following are some starting points for your next development projects .

  20. 为高级科研项目提供准备并安排试验。

    Prepares formulations and conducts experiments to high levels of scientific practice .

  21. 这两个项目在准备过程中获得了大量的双边援助。

    Both projects were prepared with significant bilateral support .

  22. 改进农业综合开发项目前期准备工作的对策研究

    Countermeasure Research on Improving the Prophase Work of Agricultural Comprehensive Development Project Management

  23. 参与其它物流新项目的准备与执行;

    Participate in daily warehousing & logistics activities and other new logistics project .

  24. 在项目施工准备阶段,采用周会信息汇总法;

    In construction preparing stage , method of weekly information gathering meeting is adopted ;

  25. 也有许多即将海外项目,准备我的下一个戏剧!

    There 're also many up-coming overseas projects and preparation for my next drama !

  26. 但是该系统又将如何为中国的太空探测项目做好准备呢?

    But how will the system pave the way for China 's space exploration project ?

  27. 深入分析以往一项大型开发项目的准备、计划和执行。

    Analyze in-depth the preparation , planning and execution of a large-scale past development project .

  28. 这个项目的准备相当杂乱无章,缺少总体结构。

    The project was set up in a rather higgledy-piggledy way , with no overall structure .

  29. 从项目前期准备、设备选型、项目实施等方面剖析了项目建设的亮点。

    The outstanding points are also analyzed from project preparation work , equipment selection and project implementation .

  30. 选择免疫染色之服务项目需要准备什麽?此服务项目需多久时间?

    What materials should be prepared before apply the " Immunohistochemical Stain Service "? How logn would it take ?