- 名apical cell;tip cell

The apical cells contain large numbers of vesicles ( apical vesicular complex AVC ) and an apical body .
Polar-distribution of calcium ions in the cell wall of hyphal tips of Saprolegnia ferax
The end of cilium goes into the extracellular top structure cap through the scolopale space which is composed of scolopales .
The entire shoot apex of a horsetail could fit into the large apical cell in the growing tip of a fern .
The second leaf takes place at the basal part of the first leaf and originates from the shoot apex cells when the first leaf pierces the calyptra .
After being cultivated for about 6 days , two primary mycelia fused through terminal cells or other parts and developed into secondary mycelia with clamp connection and conidiospore .
The number of nuclei in stipe cells almost doubled during early fruiting development and increased to a mean of 10.1-10.3 in the middle and tip cells during rapid stipe elongation .
Every spore divided into 2-cell structure after the first division , and this structure had obvious polarity . The base-cell developed into rhizoid , and the top-cell formed protonema by horizontal-division continually .
The apical cell of the first leaf and of the first root originate almost at the same time after the embryo reaches to the 32-celled phase . When the last one falls , I must die , too .
The top cell of each column of the selected range ;
Pipelike thallus was formed by vertical-division of the middle protonema cells , and top-cell kept horizontal-division .
Studies on the cell division of primary thickening meristem and apical meristem of the shoot apex in sugarcane
The apical initial cells of the root top were arranged in cone shape and no typical histogen zones were found .
Plant apical meristem is changing from the endogenous metabolic pathways to external phenotype of this transition . And the MADS-box genes have important roles in it .
In plants , the formation and growth of all root organizations are derived from cell proliferation and differentiation of root meristem .
Mercury granules were found in the lysosome of the cell of antennal gland , and were transited to lumen by apocrine secretion .
These results indicate that the initiation of senescence process in pumpkin stain 185 plants is closely related to the death of cells in apical meristem and mesophyll .
CLAVATA signaling restricts stem cell identity in the shoot apical meristem ( SAM ) in Arabidopsis thaliana .
The papilla tissue is from the cells of epidermis of apex and the edges of carpel .
Maintenance of stem cell number in shoot apical meristem ( SAM ) is essential for the generation of later organs .
The bilateral cells of sub-tunica of Chinese cabbage and cabbage divided into apical leafy primordial , in which lateral inflorescence meristem arised .
Stomach mucous was formed and lined by a short simple columnar epithelium with irregular sparsely spaced microvilli , many apical mitochondria and rough endoplasmic reticulum .
They are both expressed constitutively on the tips of leukocyte microvilli , and are the first ones to get in touch with the endothelium during leukocyte TEM .
Lateral root primordia are initiated in the pericycle opposite the protoxylem groups . The development and mature structure of lateral root-tip are the same as main root .
At the 10th day after cultivation , the visual pigment immunoreaction was suffusive in the whole cell membrane and apical process ;
Scanning electron microscope and paraffin section observation showed that the shoot apical meristem ( SAM ) of the CAPC lines enlarged and projected with increased cell number . 4 .