
sháo shān ɡuàn qū
  • Shaoshan irrigated district
  1. 韶山灌区的建设不愧是一座历史的丰碑。

    Shaoshan Irrigation Area building is a worthy monument of history .

  2. 文章利用投入占用产出模型结合韶山灌区情况分析了水资源价格调整对灌区农业的影响,为灌区水资源的合理利用及区域经济规划提供了理论依据

    In the paper , the influences of water price adjustment on agriculture have

  3. 韶山灌区是湖南省迄今为止最大的引水灌溉工程。以灌溉为主,兼具发电、防洪、排渍、航运、工矿、城镇供水、养殖、旅游等综合功能。

    Hunan Shaoshan Irrigation Area is the largest irrigation water . Mainly in irrigation , both for power generation , flood control , Draining of floodwater , shipping , condition of urban water supply , aquaculture , tourism , and other integrated functions .